
Using Social Marketing in China to Reduce the Spread of Cysticerosis
Business and Management INK
September 16, 2015

Using Social Marketing in China to Reduce the Spread of Cysticerosis

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Obama Orders More Behavioral Science in Policy
Public Policy
September 15, 2015

Obama Orders More Behavioral Science in Policy

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It’s Not the Lack of Replication, It’s the Lack of Trying to Replicate!
International Debate
September 14, 2015

It’s Not the Lack of Replication, It’s the Lack of Trying to Replicate!

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An Interview With Gareth Morgan on Metaphors in Organization Theory
Business and Management INK
September 14, 2015

An Interview With Gareth Morgan on Metaphors in Organization Theory

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What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

[We’re pleased to welcome Lena Steinhoff of the University of Paderborn in Germany. Dr. Steinhoff recently collaborated with Andreas Eggert of University […]

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Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

The use of humor in public discourse about science has grown remarkably over the past few years, and when used in science […]

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Fairer Funding in Social Sciences Masks Gender Imbalance

Fairer Funding in Social Sciences Masks Gender Imbalance

Even when the news is good — women win grants from the ESRC at the same rate as men, and those grants are actually a bit larger on average — it’s tinged with bad — because there are so few senior women in academic social sciences men still get majority of the money.

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Honoring High Achievements in ‘Hypsographic Demography’

Honoring High Achievements in ‘Hypsographic Demography’

Two decades ago two curious scientists from very different fields wondered how many people live at various altitudes. Aided by federal funding, their inquiries have helped in area ranging from disaster preparedness to cancer research to fresher snack foods. Now the duo have been honored with a Golden Goose Award.

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Top 10 Ways Businesses and Academics Interact

Top 10 Ways Businesses and Academics Interact

The social sciences are catching up with other departments in helping shape businesses, writes Patrick Dunleavy, the general editor of the LSE’s new Business Review blog..

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The Politics of Knowledge Mobilization

The Politics of Knowledge Mobilization

When universities make note of how they ‘mobilize knowledge,’ they tend to focus on a select group of activities for an equally select audience. That’s a disservice.

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Federal ‘Common Rule’ on Human Study Ethics Changing

Federal ‘Common Rule’ on Human Study Ethics Changing

Four years in the making, a proposed version of the federal ‘Common Rule’ for research on human subjects includes a full suite of social and behavioral science-influenced directives that past versions of the rule lacked.

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Perceived Gaps in Equity Affect Decisions More Than Absolute Gaps

Perceived Gaps in Equity Affect Decisions More Than Absolute Gaps

The absolute difference between what someone else is getting compared to what you get matters less than how feel about any disparity, according to a review of ‘relative deprivation’ research in the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Brain and Behavioral Sciences.’

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