
This Global Science Map Is Not Destiny
July 9, 2015

This Global Science Map Is Not Destiny

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Creating Equality in the Workplace Everyone’s Responsibility
July 8, 2015

Creating Equality in the Workplace Everyone’s Responsibility

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Introducing Journal of Travel Research’s Incoming Editor!
Business and Management INK
July 8, 2015

Introducing Journal of Travel Research’s Incoming Editor!

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Is the End of the Lecture in View?
July 7, 2015

Is the End of the Lecture in View?

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Freedom’s Just Another Word for … Responsibilities

Freedom’s Just Another Word for … Responsibilities

The right of academic freedom are often called upon, but the responsibilities of that same freedom are less often summoned. In the wake of Goffman and Hunt, Bohannan and Stapel, it’s time to rectify that imbalance.

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Funding Social Science: A Primer on US Budgeting Process

Funding Social Science: A Primer on US Budgeting Process

Howard Silver examines the process in which federal research funding is arrived at — and points out how the process is, or isn’t, working in this Congress.

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Marcia Simmering on the Detection of Common Method Variance

Marcia Simmering on the Detection of Common Method Variance

[We’re pleased to welcome Marcia Simmering of Louisiana Tech University. Dr. Simmering recently published an article in Organizational Research Methods with Christie […]

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So How Does Tenure Work in Europe?

So How Does Tenure Work in Europe?

With university tenure under scrutiny in Wisconsin and tenure itself under assault elsewhere, Jürgen Enders examines how academics are protected in three European countries.

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Book Review: Unequal Time: Gender, Class, and Family in Employment Schedules

Book Review: Unequal Time: Gender, Class, and Family in Employment Schedules

Unequal Time: Gender, Class, and Family in Employment Schedules. By Dan Clawson Naomi Gerstel . New York: The Russell Sage Foundation, 2014. […]

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Stories of Research to Reality: Kerric Harvey

Stories of Research to Reality: Kerric Harvey

Media anthropologist Kerric Harvey was present when the world started to wake to the idea that the Internet was changing society dramatically, and realized that good social science was needed to figure out what to expect.

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An Almost-Autopsy of Small Colleges

An Almost-Autopsy of Small Colleges

There’s a lovely diversity in the size and mission of institutions of higher education in the United States. It’s a shame that the little schools, like the Virginia women’s college Sweet Briar, are faced with ugly financial threats.

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University Rankings Driven by Corporate Interests

University Rankings Driven by Corporate Interests

Social Science Space’s newest core blogger takes a look at how industry has an outsize stake in the business of ranking universities. Has academe gotten in deeper than it bargained for?

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