
Working for a Living – Jobs, Employment, Labor, Economics
Business and Management INK
September 7, 2015

Working for a Living – Jobs, Employment, Labor, Economics

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Round-up of Social Science Research
September 4, 2015

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Hidden Dangers
September 4, 2015

Hidden Dangers

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When Designing Multiple Channels, Mirror Attributes Matter
Business and Management INK
September 4, 2015

When Designing Multiple Channels, Mirror Attributes Matter

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Ranking African Universities Fraught and Futile

Ranking African Universities Fraught and Futile

The director of directs the International Network for Higher Education in Africa argues that a nascent effort to rank the continent’s institutions of higher education ‘seems to me to be doomed from the start.’

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Exploring the Nexus of Big Data and Official Statistics

Exploring the Nexus of Big Data and Official Statistics

While it might seem natural for so-called Big Data to supplement, improve or replace existing datasets and statistics, or provide entirely new statistical outputs for government agencies, some careful footwork is needed before heading too far down that path, argues Rob Kitchin.

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The Art of Referencing in Scholarly Articles

The Art of Referencing in Scholarly Articles

The reference section of an academic work is more complex than you might think. The references not only provide validity to one’s […]

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Five Things to Think About if You’re Considering a Doctorate

Five Things to Think About if You’re Considering a Doctorate

After collecting reflections on their PhD journey from 28 doctoral scholars, Rhodes University’s Sioux McKenna distilled some of their collected wisdom into five ideas that might make the uphill effort to earn a doctorate less of of a Sisyphean task.

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Survey Finds Scholars’ Perception of OA Improving

Survey Finds Scholars’ Perception of OA Improving

The head of insights at Nature Publishing Group and Palgrave Macmillan shares findings from a recent survey of authors that finds few researchers are now unaware of open access, but their perceptions of quality still remain a significant barrier to further OA involvement.

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Simple But Powerful Solutions to Education’s Thorniest Problems

Simple But Powerful Solutions to Education’s Thorniest Problems

Brief educational interventions that draw on social psychology can have a big impact on seemingly intractable inequities in the classroom because students’ thoughts and feelings about school affect their experiences of it.

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Gerald Zaltman on New Marketing Science for Hospitality Practitioners

Gerald Zaltman on New Marketing Science for Hospitality Practitioners

Gerald Zaltman, Joseph C. Wilson Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School and creator of  the first patented market research tool in the […]

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Social Science in the News

Social Science in the News

‘Social Science Experiments in Lending Always End Badly’: Comments of the Week American Banker American Banker readers share their views on the […]

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