
The Tragedy of the (Over-Surveyed) Commons
Research Ethics
June 10, 2015

The Tragedy of the (Over-Surveyed) Commons

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Social Science-Unfriendly Bill Advances in DC
Academic Funding
June 10, 2015

Social Science-Unfriendly Bill Advances in DC

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Authors, Academics Join to Support Academic Freedom
June 9, 2015

Authors, Academics Join to Support Academic Freedom

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Loony Lefties, Trolls and Public Debates About Higher Education in the UK
Higher Education Reform
June 8, 2015

Loony Lefties, Trolls and Public Debates About Higher Education in the UK

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Stories of Research to Reality: John W. Creswell

Stories of Research to Reality: John W. Creswell

”Here’s the message I want to give you today: We’re all very close to research. When we gather information to understand this world that we’re in, we are gathering both numbers and statistics, and the stories of people. The research methods I do put those two together.”

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Federal Funding and the Famed Marshmallow Test

Federal Funding and the Famed Marshmallow Test

Were a psychologist to win federal funding for an experiment that involved offering 3-year-olds marshmallows, it’s likely that grant would eventually be cited on the floor of the House of Representatives as yet another example of silly and wasteful spending on social science.

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Social Rejection—Who Knew?

Social Rejection—Who Knew?

New research in ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences’ finds that being left out and ignored causes more pain and emotional damage than any overt forms of abuse.

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The Cultural Roots of the Latest Big Retraction

The Cultural Roots of the Latest Big Retraction

Social psychology has seen more than its fair share of all of ethical lapses, argues Jonathan Borwein, who notes it’s been described as a ‘train wreck.’ What are the deeper causes and implications of this most recent case of fraud in the social sciences?

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Is ‘Credentialism’ a Genuine Danger?

Is ‘Credentialism’ a Genuine Danger?

The values of a university education are many and generally agreed upon. But is holding a degree the same thing?

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What’s Wrong With Academic Freedom in the UK?

What’s Wrong With Academic Freedom in the UK?

Given the ferocity of the current assault on academic freedom, argues Daniel Nehring, it seems to me that we may be close to a point of no return, past which ‘tone of voice policies’ and similar control mechanisms may become a norm into which coming generations of academics will be socialized as a matter of course.

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When Science and Politics Collide: Panelists Respond

When Science and Politics Collide: Panelists Respond

Earlier this month Social Science Space and the American Academy of Political and Social Science held their debut joint webinar, titled When […]

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Tell Us What Social Science Will Look Like in 2065

Tell Us What Social Science Will Look Like in 2065

Sage 818 News

The social sciences are often marginalized in society and by government funding, characterized as ‘problematic disciplines’ whose impact is often misunderstood and […]

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