
You Can Merge Two Goals: A Talk with Scholar-Activist Gregory Squires
July 31, 2023

You Can Merge Two Goals: A Talk with Scholar-Activist Gregory Squires

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Customer Incivility: A Call for Constructive Resistance
Business and Management INK
July 27, 2023

Customer Incivility: A Call for Constructive Resistance

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NSF Guidelines Amidst Foreign Threats To Research Security
July 26, 2023

NSF Guidelines Amidst Foreign Threats To Research Security

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Tipster’s Note Offers View of Academic Publishing’s Achilles Heel
July 25, 2023

Tipster’s Note Offers View of Academic Publishing’s Achilles Heel

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Oppenheimer: Science, Culture and Politics

Oppenheimer: Science, Culture and Politics

The new film ‘Oppenheimer’ offers several interesting views of the scientific endeavor that resonate as much in the social sciences and the humanities as in the physical sciences.

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Big Profits, Big Harm: Explaining Human Rights Misbehavior by Developing Country Firms

Big Profits, Big Harm: Explaining Human Rights Misbehavior by Developing Country Firms

The authors explore why so many successful firms are abusing human rights when, historically, abusive behaviors were motivated by financial distress and underperformance.

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U.S. Science Funding Bill Advances – With Raft of Restrictions

U.S. Science Funding Bill Advances – With Raft of Restrictions

Partisan touchstones like critical race theory and environmental, social, and governance investments are among the issues encrusting the funding bill for American science currently making the rounds on Capitol Hill.

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Musical Ways of Knowing

Musical Ways of Knowing

Our long-time blogger David Canter considers what he has learned while completing his PhD in music composition. He spent a lifetime as a social scientist, requiring every argument to be bolstered by some form of empirical evidence, or at least a supportive citation from the works of others. The contrast of developing an approach to composing music that can be regarded as ‘a contribution to knowledge’, has made him aware that there are many ways of knowing which scientists, especially social scientists and psychologists, ignore at their peril.

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Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity

Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity

The authors seek to shape the discourse around neurodiversity as a strength in the workplace.

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Hidden Identities: Uncovering Gender Bias in Soccer Evaluation

Hidden Identities: Uncovering Gender Bias in Soccer Evaluation

if you couldn’t tell the gender of the players, would you find watching men’s or women’s soccer more enjoyable? A new study suggests the likely answer is … both.

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True Crime: Insight Into The Human Fascination With The Who-Done-It

True Crime: Insight Into The Human Fascination With The Who-Done-It

Half of Americans say they enjoy true crime — stories portraying real-life instances of murder, kidnapping and other shocking crimes — and 35 percent say they consume true crime content at least once a week. Why are people, especially women, so fascinated with the genre, and how does interest in the who-done-it affect consumers’ thoughts and behaviors

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The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The management and leadership development programs designed to strengthen a manager’s authority might actually be damaging it.

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