
Human Resource Development Review Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters!
Business and Management INK
January 7, 2015

Human Resource Development Review Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters!

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Probing the ‘Informed’ Voter: Philip Converse, 1928-2014
January 6, 2015

Probing the ‘Informed’ Voter: Philip Converse, 1928-2014

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Impact Requires Moving Past Conventional Academic Boundaries
January 6, 2015

Impact Requires Moving Past Conventional Academic Boundaries

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Jeffrey B. Vancouver on Tests of Mediation
Business and Management INK
January 6, 2015

Jeffrey B. Vancouver on Tests of Mediation

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How Do Leadership Perceptions Affect Leader-Follower Exchange Quality?

How Do Leadership Perceptions Affect Leader-Follower Exchange Quality?

[We’re pleased to welcome Patrick T. Coyle, who collaborated with Roseanne Foti on the article “If You’re Not With Me You’re . […]

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Roundtable Puts Social and Behavioral Research Back on Agenda

Roundtable Puts Social and Behavioral Research Back on Agenda

A roundtable sponsored by the U.S. National Research Council will examine applications of social and behavioral science.

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It’s Time to Take the Measure of Social Mobility

It’s Time to Take the Measure of Social Mobility

Despite its obsession with the concept of equal opportunity, the United States hasn’t actively monitored its residents’ social mobility for more than four decades. Now a group of social scientists have proposed an efficient way using existing tools to chart mobility.

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Ten ‘Rules’ for Being Creative in Producing Research

Ten ‘Rules’ for Being Creative in Producing Research

Kip Jones, who from his perch as a reader in performative social science at Bournemouth University’s Centre for Qualitative Research focuses on developing tools from the arts and humanities for use by social scientists in research, offers this top 10 list of techniques to welcome in the new year.

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Book Review: Plastic Money: Constructing Markets for Credit Cards in Eight Postcommunist Countries

Book Review: Plastic Money: Constructing Markets for Credit Cards in Eight Postcommunist Countries

Have some time to read before the new semester starts? Akos Rona-Tas, Alya Guseva : Plastic Money: Constructing Markets for Credit Cards […]

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What Does the Future Hold?

What Does the Future Hold?

Welcome to 2015! You may have already noticed that the hover boards and flying cars we were promised in “Back to the […]

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Management INK’s Most Popular Articles of 2014

Management INK’s Most Popular Articles of 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, we’d like to take a moment to highlight the top three most read posts of the […]

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When Chasing Prestige Becomes the Prize

When Chasing Prestige Becomes the Prize

A survey by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics suggests that researchers appreciate the benefits of competition but also fear how it can emphasize prestige over quality

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