
With the REF, We Can Evaluate the Impact of Impact
Higher Education Reform
December 18, 2014

With the REF, We Can Evaluate the Impact of Impact

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Does your boss find you proactive…or pushy?
Business and Management INK
December 18, 2014

Does your boss find you proactive…or pushy?

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We’re At Work on the Next Iteration of REF
Academic Funding
December 17, 2014

We’re At Work on the Next Iteration of REF

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A Quick Q&A on the REF With Its Creator
Academic Funding
December 17, 2014

A Quick Q&A on the REF With Its Creator

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The Sports Marketing Career of “Tex” Rickard

The Sports Marketing Career of “Tex” Rickard

Born in 1870, George Lewis “Tex” Rickard’s career path was far from traditional. He served time as a Texas marshal, prospected for […]

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How Will Zero-Hour Contracts Change UK’s Academic Culture?

How Will Zero-Hour Contracts Change UK’s Academic Culture?

‘I did not contemplate the possibility that academics might rewarded for years of study, teaching, hard work with a no-obligations, no-guaranteed-income employment contract,’ says Daniel Nehring. And yet with zero-hour contracts entering academe, that un-reality is now here.

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Finding Clarity for Our Most Basic Emotions

Finding Clarity for Our Most Basic Emotions

Sociologist Thomas Scheff argues that the terms for basic emotions, especially in English, are ‘wildly ambiguous.’ So he set out to determine conceptual guidelines for grief, fear/anxiety, anger, shame and pride as a step toward giving them consistent and useful academic meanings.

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Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters!

Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies Now Indexed in Thomson Reuters!

We’re pleased to announce that Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies is now indexed in Thomson Reuters’ Social Science Citation Index! The […]

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Peter Ghosh on Max Weber and ‘The Protestant Ethic’

Peter Ghosh on Max Weber and ‘The Protestant Ethic’

Max Weber is recognized as a father of modern social science, but his work, developed in pre-World War I Germany, sometimes suffers in translation to today. In the latest Social Science Bites podcast, his pre-eminent interpreter explains how Weber remains relevant.

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Tips for scholars writing an op-ed

Tips for scholars writing an op-ed

[Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to welcome SAGE Publications’ Michael Todd.] “We need to apply the science of communication to the communication of […]

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Book Review: Ofer Sharone: Flawed System/Flawed Self: Job Searching and Unemployment Experiences

Book Review: Ofer Sharone: Flawed System/Flawed Self: Job Searching and Unemployment Experiences

Ofer Sharone: Flawed System/Flawed Self: Job Searching and Unemployment Experiences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. 240 pp. ISBN 978-0-226-07336-1, $85 (Cloth); […]

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Ashly H. Pinnington on Competence Regimes in Professional Organizations

Ashly H. Pinnington on Competence Regimes in Professional Organizations

[We’re pleased to welcome Ashly H. Pinnington of the British University in Dubai. Dr. Pinnington and Jörgen Sandberg of UQ Business School […]

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