
Social Science in the News
International Debate
February 27, 2015

Social Science in the News

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So You Wanna Be a YouTube Star? Here’s Some Tips
February 27, 2015

So You Wanna Be a YouTube Star? Here’s Some Tips

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New Congress Gets First Peek at Proposed NSF Budget
Academic Funding
February 26, 2015

New Congress Gets First Peek at Proposed NSF Budget

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Is Higher Education Losing Its Progressive Potential?
February 26, 2015

Is Higher Education Losing Its Progressive Potential?

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25 Years of ‘Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism’

25 Years of ‘Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism’

Allan Bloom has claimed there are no classics in the social sciences, but the editors of a special collection of essays on the impact of Gøsta Esping-Andersen’s book ‘The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism’ on its 25th birthday suggest that in fact this book shows Bloom was mistaken.

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Peter Lunt on Erving Goffman

Peter Lunt on Erving Goffman

Erving Goffman has been called the most influential American sociologist of the 20th century thanks to his study of the social interactions of everyday life. In this Social Science Bites podcast, social psychologist Peter Lunt discusses his own inquiries into Goffman and how he approached his subjects with “an ethnographer’s eye.”

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Hope for the Common Good

Hope for the Common Good

Recent research suggests that the so-called Golden Rule of ‘doing unto others …’ may have resonance in enhancing the public good.

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Tomorrow’s Britain Needs Social Science Today, Report Argues

Tomorrow’s Britain Needs Social Science Today, Report Argues

The Campaign for Social Science is asking the British government-to-be for a greater recognition of social science, arguing that the nation’s future prosperity will depend on it.

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Duckies Honor Nod to Nonviolence in Violent World

Duckies Honor Nod to Nonviolence in Violent World

A post on the nonviolent conflicts that didn’t get noticed due to their lack violence – and which appeared on the Political […]

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Let’s Play Fantasy Football for Big Thinkers

Let’s Play Fantasy Football for Big Thinkers

If you were to make up a fantasy football team for, say an intellectual Premier League, which thinks from Socrates forward might be among your picks?

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If Only MOOCs Could Add an eHarmony Component

If Only MOOCs Could Add an eHarmony Component

We go to school for an education, not a mate. But if you don’t find a mate at school, you are not getting as much return out of the experience as you can. Which brings us, in a new Danish study, to one issue with online classes …

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The New Realism in Academic Life

The New Realism in Academic Life

As some of the ferment that marked university life for an earlier generation seems to dissipate, has a new realism crept in among subsequent generations of academics to accept what they feel they cannot change?

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