
Round-up of Social Science Research
January 30, 2015

Round-up of Social Science Research

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In the Anthropocene, Every Discipline Has a Role
January 29, 2015

In the Anthropocene, Every Discipline Has a Role

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Two Social Scientists and Two Policy Paths
Public Policy
January 28, 2015

Two Social Scientists and Two Policy Paths

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SAGE’s Ziyad Marar Named to Campaign for Social Science
January 27, 2015

SAGE’s Ziyad Marar Named to Campaign for Social Science

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Book Review: The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom

Book Review: The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom

Reviewer Christopher Shaw finds Derek Wall’s new book exploring the work of the late Nobel laureate to be an accessible presentation of Elinor Ostrom’s ideas.

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What Role Should Overseas Students Play in British Society?

What Role Should Overseas Students Play in British Society?

The rich and diverse ways in which students and scholars of diverse national and cultural origins collaborate at British universities, argues Daniel Nehring, belie the economic reductionism currently fashionable in public debates about higher education.

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MOOCs + Meetups = Better Learning

MOOCs + Meetups = Better Learning

The man behind the ‘Beyond Silicon Valley’ MOOC is very enthusiastic about these massive online courses, but he sees adding a dash of the human touch as making the resulting learning experience even better.

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Rebecca Blank Receives 2015 Moynihan Prize

Rebecca Blank Receives 2015 Moynihan Prize

A former acting secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the current chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison will receive this year’s Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize from the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

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Trevor Marchand on Craft

Trevor Marchand on Craft

It’s an unusual approach for an academic: a hands-on approach. Literally a hands-on approach. Trevor Marchand is an anthropologist interested in how information about crafts is transferred from expert to novice. This has led him to Nigeria, Yemen, Mali, and East London …

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Input from Social and Behavioral Scientists Essential in Energy-Use Reduction Policy Making

Input from Social and Behavioral Scientists Essential in Energy-Use Reduction Policy Making

Research shows people generally prefer being green to being greedy, but even if people are motivated, they don’t always know how to reduce energy use or, if they make a behavioral change, whether the change helped them reach their energy saving goals.

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Don’t Fence Me In: The Bogus Walls Between Disciplines

Don’t Fence Me In: The Bogus Walls Between Disciplines

‘I am whoever I want to be,’ insistsCameron Neylon. ‘You don’t get to define my value. The real question is whether the filters you apply are good enough to tell when I have something to say that is useful for you to hear.’

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Book Review: Jacob N. Shapiro: The Terrorist’s Dilemma: Managing Violent Covert Organizations

Book Review: Jacob N. Shapiro: The Terrorist’s Dilemma: Managing Violent Covert Organizations

Jacob N. Shapiro : The Terrorist’s Dilemma: Managing Violent Covert Organizations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. 335 pp. $29.95/£19.95, hardcover. Anita […]

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