
Five Ways We Could Use Altmetrics in the Next REF
November 10, 2014

Five Ways We Could Use Altmetrics in the Next REF

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Mentoring Plan Aims at Women Theology Researchers
November 7, 2014

Mentoring Plan Aims at Women Theology Researchers

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Book Review: Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street
November 7, 2014

Book Review: Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street

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Social Science in the News
International Debate
November 7, 2014

Social Science in the News

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We All Have a Dog in the Fight When Researchers Lie

We All Have a Dog in the Fight When Researchers Lie

Looking specifically at Australia, the author of the book on research integrity wonders how rampant plagiarizing and fabricating may be among researchers.

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Teaching Communities of Faculty About Scholarly Communication

Teaching Communities of Faculty About Scholarly Communication

Two Miami University librarians details how their school’s ‘faculty learning community’ cultivated awareness of the entire scholarly communication landscape and created stronger faculty advocates for change, but also highlighted key differences between established and newer faculty.

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Does Restaurant Success Depend on More Than Location?

Does Restaurant Success Depend on More Than Location?

When choosing where to open a restaurant, many businessmen may recall the adage “location, location, location.” But even a prime location doesn’t […]

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The December Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is Now Online!

The December Issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is Now Online!

The December issue of Administrative Science Quarterly is now available and can be read online for free for the next 30 days. […]

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Linda Woodhead on the New Sociology of Religion

Linda Woodhead on the New Sociology of Religion

Religiosity has changed for the majority of populations in Britain and the West, and so a new kind of way to study it must arise. In this Social Science Bites podcast, Linda Woodhead discusses the new sociology required to study this nuanced spiritual landscape, and what some of the implications are on the secular world.

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Ed Sociologist Pedro Noguera Awarded

Ed Sociologist Pedro Noguera Awarded

Sociologist and education rights activist Pedro Noguera has received a second annual award that recognizes outstanding achievement in advancing the understanding of the behavioral and social sciences.

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Mission Possible: Be an Ethical Social Scientist

Mission Possible: Be an Ethical Social Scientist

The author of a book on research ethics for social scientists suggests that issues such as antagonism with university review boards and new complexities introduced by Big Data can make integrity a sometime elusive quality.

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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