
Colin Firth: Author, Actually
December 29, 2014

Colin Firth: Author, Actually

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Can Voicing Dissent Lead to Ostracism from a Group?
Business and Management INK
December 29, 2014

Can Voicing Dissent Lead to Ostracism from a Group?

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Happy Boxing Day!
Business and Management INK
December 26, 2014

Happy Boxing Day!

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Happy Holidays From Management INK!
Business and Management INK
December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays From Management INK!

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REF: An Idea Whose Time Never Came

REF: An Idea Whose Time Never Came

Reporting on panel looking at the UK’s Research Excellence Framework, Liz Morrish looks at whether the assessment tools created by government have extended their reach and left academics exposed.

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New Podcast! Can Mobile Tablet Menus Help Millennials Make Healthier Choices?

New Podcast! Can Mobile Tablet Menus Help Millennials Make Healthier Choices?

In the latest podcast from Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, author Maryam F. Yepes of Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland discusses her recent article […]

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How Many AACSB Schools of Business Have Faculty Mentoring Programs?

How Many AACSB Schools of Business Have Faculty Mentoring Programs?

[We’re pleased to welcome Bruce C. Raymond of Colorado State University-Pueblo. Dr. Raymond and Vijay R. Kannan of Utah State University recently […]

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The Social Scientist Who Knew Torture Wasn’t Worth the Game

The Social Scientist Who Knew Torture Wasn’t Worth the Game

Game theory neatly — and sadly — predicted the futility of using torture to extract meaning information from terror suspects, neatly predicting the results of the recent U.S. Senate report years before its release.

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Political Learning in the Struggle: Perspectives From the Egyptian Diaspora

Political Learning in the Struggle: Perspectives From the Egyptian Diaspora

In a cross-posting with Social Science Space partner Viva Voce podcasts, Helen Underhill at the University of Manchester describes how Egyptians living outside their native land respond to the political turmoil there, and how there is not single ‘Egyptian voice’ that speaks for them all.

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Should We Focus on Service Quality or Emotions? How to Build Customer-Brand Relationships to Increase Marketing Performance

Should We Focus on Service Quality or Emotions? How to Build Customer-Brand Relationships to Increase Marketing Performance

 [We’re pleased to welcome Bettina Nyffenegger of the Institute of Marketing and Management at the University of Bern in Switzerland. Dr. Nyffenegger […]

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Playing the Game of REF

Playing the Game of REF

A very strong overall REF performance signifies a large concentration of outstanding work. It is an unambiguous plus. All the same, precise league table positions in the REF, indicator by indicator, should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Book Review: Leadership Talk: A Discourse Approach to Leader Emergence

Book Review: Leadership Talk: A Discourse Approach to Leader Emergence

Need last minute shopping ideas? Can’t go wrong with a good book! Walker, R., & Aritz, J. (2014). Leadership talk: A discourse […]

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