
How Nudge Can Help Us Cope With Ebola
Public Policy
September 24, 2014

How Nudge Can Help Us Cope With Ebola

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To Honor Top Reviewer, Journal Opens Up Latest Issue
September 24, 2014

To Honor Top Reviewer, Journal Opens Up Latest Issue

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Congratulations to the Winner of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science’s Best Reviewer Award for 2013!
Business and Management INK
September 24, 2014

Congratulations to the Winner of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science’s Best Reviewer Award for 2013!

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It Matters When Science is Misunderstood
September 23, 2014

It Matters When Science is Misunderstood

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Help ESRC Find the 50 Biggest Social Science Achievements

Help ESRC Find the 50 Biggest Social Science Achievements

In honor of its 50th anniversary next year, Britain’s social science research council wants you to help it identify 50 signal achievements made possible by social science.

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Designing Better Customer Service Experiences Using “Sticktion”

Designing Better Customer Service Experiences Using “Sticktion”

The customer may always be right, but research has shown that their memory can sometimes fail them when recollecting service experiences. Fortunately, […]

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A Pioneering Behavioral Science Think Tank at the Crossroads

A Pioneering Behavioral Science Think Tank at the Crossroads

Social Science Space talks to Margaret Levi about her goals for re-imagining the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.

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How Does an Organization’s Compensation System and Its Culture Affect Each Other?

How Does an Organization’s Compensation System and Its Culture Affect Each Other?

[We’re pleased  to welcome Pankaj M. Madhani of ICFAI Business School (IBS) in India. Dr. Madhani is the author of “Aligning Compensation Systems […]

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Book Review:  Women and Executive Office: Pathways and Performance

Book Review: Women and Executive Office: Pathways and Performance

Looking for a good read for the last weekend of summer? Melody Rose , ed.: Women and Executive Office: Pathways and Performance. […]

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Unknown Unknowns: The War on Null and Negative Results

Unknown Unknowns: The War on Null and Negative Results

The Wellcome Trust, a large funder of biomedical research, is keen to ensure that the findings of that research are widely and openly shared. Here, Jonathon Kram and Adam Dinsmore from the trust’s evaluation team discuss why any apparent bias against writing up and publishing certain types of results would impede scientific progress.

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Introducing the New Editorial Team of Group and Organization Management!

Introducing the New Editorial Team of Group and Organization Management!

We’re pleased to announce that William L. Gardner of Texas Tech University has been appointed as the new Editor of Group and […]

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Proof Over Promise: Finding An Impact Factor for Your Career

Proof Over Promise: Finding An Impact Factor for Your Career

Publishing in a high-impact journal carries the implicit promise that somehow an individual article also will be highly cited. But the proof of this logic remains unsubstantiated. How about measuring career impact more than journal impact? The authors offer one option they’ve developed.

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