
Is Big Data Galloping to a ‘Horsemeat Moment’?
International Debate
October 29, 2014

Is Big Data Galloping to a ‘Horsemeat Moment’?

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The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport
October 28, 2014

The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport

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Seeking Champions for Social Sciences
Academic Funding
October 28, 2014

Seeking Champions for Social Sciences

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How Economics Lost Its Identity (Australian Edition)
October 27, 2014

How Economics Lost Its Identity (Australian Edition)

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2013 Impact Factor and Ranking Results

2013 Impact Factor and Ranking Results

SAGE is pleased to announce a strong performance across its journals portfolio in the recently released 2013 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, […]

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Ebola – What’s the Point of the World Health Organisation?

Ebola – What’s the Point of the World Health Organisation?

WHO is supposed to be a global health organization, not a global biomedical organization. The Ebola crisis, argues Robert Dingwall, reveals the extent to which it has lost sight of this mission.

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An Editor Asks: Are OA Journals Bane or Boon?

An Editor Asks: Are OA Journals Bane or Boon?

The editor of an open-access journal looks at the benefits (and some of the headaches) associated with that model.

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Social Science in the News

Social Science in the News

ESRC Sheffield Festival of Social Science Sheffield Hallam University Social science is everywhere. From helping us to make sense of our finances […]

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Book Review: Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace

Book Review: Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace

Hard to believe it, but the American office we go to Monday through Friday actually has quite a history. Deborah C. Andrews […]

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Charles Pavitt on Social Influence During Group Decision Making

Charles Pavitt on Social Influence During Group Decision Making

[Editor’s Note: A special thanks to Charles Pavitt of University of Delaware, who took the time to give us some background on […]

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Poli Sci’s Robert Axelrod Receives Science Medal

Poli Sci’s Robert Axelrod Receives Science Medal

Robert Axelrod, a political scientist at the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, is one of 10 researchers […]

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Want to Be a Reviewer for Business and Society?

Want to Be a Reviewer for Business and Society?

Business and Society is extends an invitation to review for the journal. Business and Society, peer-reviewed and published bimonthly, is the official […]

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