
What is “Double-Loop” Coaching?
Business and Management INK
September 30, 2014

What is “Double-Loop” Coaching?

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What Should Universities Make of Online Brand Awareness?
Higher Education Reform
September 30, 2014

What Should Universities Make of Online Brand Awareness?

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Book Review: The Unruly PhD
September 29, 2014

Book Review: The Unruly PhD

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The Scottish Referendum: Social Science and National Identity
International Debate
September 29, 2014

The Scottish Referendum: Social Science and National Identity

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Do consumers travel across state lines to avoid taxes?

Do consumers travel across state lines to avoid taxes?

Excise tax on cigarettes can vary greatly from state to state. According to the National Conference of State Legislature, state tax amounts […]

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Whither Small Data?

Whither Small Data?

The rapid growth and impact of big data has led some to ponder whether big data might lead to the demise of small data, noted Rob Kitchin in an excerpt from his new book, The Data Revolution. But that ignores the benefits and beauties that small data deliver.

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Former Deputy Takes Over Bureau of Economic Analysis

Former Deputy Takes Over Bureau of Economic Analysis

The former deputy director of the Bureau of Economic Analysis has been named to head the federal organization that produces the benchmark […]

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SAGE Founder Sara Miller McCune Honored by Bath and Cardiff Universities

SAGE Founder Sara Miller McCune Honored by Bath and Cardiff Universities

We are pleased to extend our warmest congratulations to SAGE Publications’ founder and executive chairman Sara Miller McCune. In June and July […]

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Neoliberal Education and Its Discontents in South Korea

Neoliberal Education and Its Discontents in South Korea

What might be the reductio ad absurdum of academic ranking? South Korea might offer a hint, as the ‘spec’ generation focuses on its monetizable skillset –sometimes to the exclusion of most anything else.

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Congressional Elections Have Consequences for Social Science

Congressional Elections Have Consequences for Social Science

Opposition to the social, behavioral and economic sciences isn’t new. Here, Howard J. Silver recounts an attempt after the 1994 ‘Republican Revolution’ to demolish the National Science Foundation’s SBE directorate.

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Neuroscience and Management Skills Development

Neuroscience and Management Skills Development

Advances in neuroscience have taken off in recent years and show no sign of slowing down. But how can these new findings […]

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Can Greater Transparency Lead to Better Social Science?

Can Greater Transparency Lead to Better Social Science?

The political science journal Comparative Political Studies is experimenting for one special issue in which articles will be judged based on reviewers’ evaluations of what authors intend to do rather than what they report as their findings.

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