
Stanford’s Eberhardt Receives MacArthur Fellowship
September 17, 2014

Stanford’s Eberhardt Receives MacArthur Fellowship

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Submit Your Research to World Future Review!
Business and Management INK
September 17, 2014

Submit Your Research to World Future Review!

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Nominations Sought for 2015 Moynihan Prize
September 16, 2014

Nominations Sought for 2015 Moynihan Prize

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Maybe We Should Just Pay Peer Reviewers
Public Policy
September 16, 2014

Maybe We Should Just Pay Peer Reviewers

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Call for Papers:  Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020

Call for Papers: Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020

In 2013, the budgetary and regulatory reform of European Union Cohesion policy for 2014-20 was finally agreed following the most extensive process […]

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Does the Vocational Setting Affect the Perceived Effectiveness of Leaders?

Does the Vocational Setting Affect the Perceived Effectiveness of Leaders?

[We’re pleased to welcome G. Ronald Gilbert of Florida International University. Dr. Gilbert collaborated with Robert C. Myrtle and Ravipreet S. Sohi […]

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Beware: Neuroscience’s Trappings Dress Up ‘Cargo Cult Science’

Beware: Neuroscience’s Trappings Dress Up ‘Cargo Cult Science’

In marketing and in nontraditional education the words and concepts of neuroscience are appropriated with abandon. In many cases, despite the veneer of research respectability this suggests, the results are anything but scientific.

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Introducing Human Resource Development Review’s New Editor!

Introducing Human Resource Development Review’s New Editor!

We’re pleased to welcome the new Editor of Human Resource Development Review Julia Storberg-Walker of the George Washington University! Dr. Storberg-Walker kindly […]

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Start Making Sense: Sense About Science Coming to US

Start Making Sense: Sense About Science Coming to US

The British-based nonprofit that helps the public understand the barrage of research data encountered routinely is starting a similar effort in the United States.

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Rosalie L. Tung on the Requisites to Developing a Global Mindset

Rosalie L. Tung on the Requisites to Developing a Global Mindset

[We’re pleased to welcome Rosalie L. Tung, author of Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies‘ Distinguished Scholar Invited Essay entitled “Requisites to […]

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In the UK, Are Student Populations Growing Older?

In the UK, Are Student Populations Growing Older?

In an article from The Conversation’s ‘Hard Evidence’ series, Lancaster’s Jill Johnes looks at the numbers and finds the more mature undergraduate population has grown slowly, but with a spike this year.

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An Interview With James G. March From Journal of Management Inquiry

An Interview With James G. March From Journal of Management Inquiry

James G. March is well-known for his work A Behavioral Theory of the Firm  which first appeared in 1963 and made him […]

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