
Are Corporations Really as Green as They Say They Are?
Business and Management INK
September 3, 2014

Are Corporations Really as Green as They Say They Are?

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Congratulations to SAGE Editor Bharat Sarath!
Business and Management INK
September 2, 2014

Congratulations to SAGE Editor Bharat Sarath!

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Putting Quality Into Qualitative Research
September 2, 2014

Putting Quality Into Qualitative Research

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Celebrate Labor Day with ILRReview!
Business and Management INK
September 1, 2014

Celebrate Labor Day with ILRReview!

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Using Creativity and Beauty to Find Solutions

Using Creativity and Beauty to Find Solutions

The news isn’t always uplifting: declining home price growth, sinking big business profits, and rising gas prices can make for an economy […]

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How Do You (Successfully) Gamify a Course?

How Do You (Successfully) Gamify a Course?

Some people say college is already a game — but a poorly designed one. Political scientist Mika LaVaque-Manty is bringing game logic into his introductory courses, a winning effort that was honored at this year’s APSA annual conference.

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Global Problems Take a Village (of Disciplines)

Global Problems Take a Village (of Disciplines)

The wicked problems of today’s world cannot be solved by staying within the realms of a single subject.

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Can a Business Be Socially Responsible and Still Make a Profit?

Can a Business Be Socially Responsible and Still Make a Profit?

According to Thompson Reuters, sustainability in business once meant a company covering its operating costs with profits. These days that definition has […]

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The Risks–Both Serious and Subtle–of Fieldwork

The Risks–Both Serious and Subtle–of Fieldwork

Amiera Sawas writes here on her experiences with risks in the field and beyond, finding that institutional protocols are undoubtedly robust on a wide range of physical threats, but more subtle threats, like sexual harassment, which cross psychological and physical lines, are not always explicitly dealt with.

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Methods: In Polling, Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better

Methods: In Polling, Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better

As various canvasses and opinion polls attempt to predict the outcome of the Scottish independence plebiscite, it’s worth taking a look at how more methodologically sound inputs lead to more accurate forecasts.

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Award Winning Journal of Management Article on Capitol Hill

Award Winning Journal of Management Article on Capitol Hill

 “Age Stereotypes in the Workplace: Common Stereotypes, Moderators, and Future Directions,” by Richard A. Posthuma of the University of Texas at El […]

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My Experiences Launching an Open Access Journal

My Experiences Launching an Open Access Journal

While preparing for a panel on the subject at APSA this week, political scientist Erik Voeten looks over the launch of the open access and peer-reviewed journal ‘Research & Politics’ and discusses the opportunities and challenges of this kind of publishing.

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