
Using Gaming to Help Stroke Recovery
Business and Management INK
July 22, 2014

Using Gaming to Help Stroke Recovery

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Congress Questions Benefits of Government-Funded Research?
Academic Funding
July 22, 2014

Congress Questions Benefits of Government-Funded Research?

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British Academy Elects a Full Slate of New Fellows
July 21, 2014

British Academy Elects a Full Slate of New Fellows

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Will David Willetts Be Remembered For His OA Advocacy?
Open Access
July 21, 2014

Will David Willetts Be Remembered For His OA Advocacy?

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Did You Hear? When Rumors Are Used As Revenge At Work

Did You Hear? When Rumors Are Used As Revenge At Work

According to a 2008 study done by the publishers of the Myers-Briggs Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, 85% of employees […]

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Statistics’ Crisis of Reproducibility

Statistics’ Crisis of Reproducibility

After Big Data, one of the most controversial topics in statistics workshop is the problem of reproducibility in scientific research.

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Sorry Scarlett, We Use All Our Brain, Not Just 10 Percent

Sorry Scarlett, We Use All Our Brain, Not Just 10 Percent

Another cherished myth bites the dust. The makers of the new movie “Lucy” aside, we already use all of of brain, and not just a tenth of it.

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Big Data: No Free Lunch for Protecting Privacy

Big Data: No Free Lunch for Protecting Privacy

In the first of a series of excerpts from a just released report summarizing 2013’s International Year of Statistics’ London conference, we look at one of the down sides of Big Data.

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Implications for Theory and Practice of Philanthropy in Family Businesses

Implications for Theory and Practice of Philanthropy in Family Businesses

[We’re pleased to welcome Dr. Alfredo De Massis who collaborated with Giovanna Campopiano and Francesco Chirico on their paper “Firm Philanthropy in […]

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Scholarly Reflections on the Legacy of Nelson Mandela

Scholarly Reflections on the Legacy of Nelson Mandela

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.” – Nelson […]

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Of Geese and Game Theory: Auctions, Airwaves – and Applications

Of Geese and Game Theory: Auctions, Airwaves – and Applications

Three economists who used federal funding to research highly theoretical work on game theory and auctions are being honored with Golden Goose Awards for the highly practical application of their work that enabled the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to auction off the nation’s telecommunications spectrum in a way that maximized fairness and efficiency in the marketplace.

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Announcing the Winner of the Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award for 2013!

Announcing the Winner of the Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award for 2013!

We are pleased to congratulate Indiana University’s Janet Hillier and Linda M. Dunn-Jensen, who have received the Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award for […]

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