
Do Scholarly Publishers Need a Creative Un-Commons?
August 12, 2014

Do Scholarly Publishers Need a Creative Un-Commons?

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Publiscize: Instant Outreach in the First Person
August 12, 2014

Publiscize: Instant Outreach in the First Person

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Does Peer Influence in Teens Affect Their Parents’ Purchase Decisions?
Business and Management INK
August 12, 2014

Does Peer Influence in Teens Affect Their Parents’ Purchase Decisions?

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Is Doctor Who a Sociologist?
International Debate
August 11, 2014

Is Doctor Who a Sociologist?

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Can Undocumented Immigrants Be Protected From Wage Theft?

Can Undocumented Immigrants Be Protected From Wage Theft?

A study done by Pew Hispanic Center found that undocumented immigrants living in the United States earned a median household income of […]

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Read the Award-Winning Article from Organization and Environment!

Read the Award-Winning Article from Organization and Environment!

We’re excited to announce the winner of the 2014 Best Paper Award from Organization and Environment! Andrew Hoffman of the University of […]

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Are Good Intentions Enough in Allocating School Places?

Are Good Intentions Enough in Allocating School Places?

Unintended consequences and little practical improvement could result from England’s plan to give poor students priority in school placement, especially if schools can decide to opt in or out, argue Stephen Gorard and Rebecca Morris.

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Organizational Research Methods Announces the Winner of the 2013 Best Paper Award!

Organizational Research Methods Announces the Winner of the 2013 Best Paper Award!

Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Georgia T. Chao, James A. Grand, Michael T. Braun and Goran Kuljanin are this year’s winners of the […]

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We Must Resist the Pressure to Be Interesting

We Must Resist the Pressure to Be Interesting

Academic publishing creates incentives to simplify results, cull aberrations and focus on the exciting — often to the detriment of good research. Could more open access allows us to be good and boring?

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Announcing the Winners of the Journal of Management 2014 Best Paper Award!

Announcing the Winners of the Journal of Management 2014 Best Paper Award!

We’re pleased to congratulate Richard A. Posthuma of the University of El Paso and Michael A. Campion of Purdue University, who are […]

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Nudge Isn’t New, But It Is Comfortable

Nudge Isn’t New, But It Is Comfortable

It took decades for behavioral economics to break into the mainstream. Now, after just a few years of “bias,” “anchoring” and “nudge,” […]

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The Handling of Student Suicides by Universities: A Case Study

The Handling of Student Suicides by Universities: A Case Study

According to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, suicide is the second leading cause of death in college students. How can colleges help […]

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