
Sharing Data Across Disciplines and Cultures
July 3, 2014

Sharing Data Across Disciplines and Cultures

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Hey Congress, Maybe You Need Some Political Science
Academic Funding
July 2, 2014

Hey Congress, Maybe You Need Some Political Science

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Why Some Corporations Choose To Be Socially Responsible
Business and Management INK
July 2, 2014

Why Some Corporations Choose To Be Socially Responsible

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No Longer the Age of Consent: Facebook’s Emotional Manipulation Study
Research Ethics
July 1, 2014

No Longer the Age of Consent: Facebook’s Emotional Manipulation Study

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What is the Organizational Definition of Terrorism?

What is the Organizational Definition of Terrorism?

According to the Department of State’s Country Reports on Terrorism 2013, international terrorist groups are progressively evolving and continue to present a […]

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Can Sharing Dissatisfaction With Strangers Lead to Happy Customers?

Can Sharing Dissatisfaction With Strangers Lead to Happy Customers?

According to Staples, allowing a customer to vent will calm them 90% of the time and allow for retention opportunities. This can […]

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Taking the Measure of Your Data, Software, Posters, Etc.

Taking the Measure of Your Data, Software, Posters, Etc.

There are ways to learn about the impact of the all the collateral material that signify an academic career. If only there were some sort of ‘ultimate guide’ to show how …

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Population Reference Bureau Picks New President

Population Reference Bureau Picks New President

Jeffrey Jordan, former senior vice president for international programs at the Catholic Medical Mission Board, has been selected as president and CEO […]

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What Benefits Can Mindfulness Have on Organizational Behavior?

What Benefits Can Mindfulness Have on Organizational Behavior?

[We are pleased to welcome Ronald Purser. who collaborated with Joseph Milillo on their article entitled  “Mindfulness Revisited: A Buddhist-Based Conceptualization” from […]

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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Metric?

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Metric?

This Monday marks the end of the open consultation for HEFCE’s Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment. Steve Fuller argues that academics, especially interdisciplinary scholars, should welcome the opportunity to approach the task of citation differently.

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Staying Up-to-Date on Your Articles’ Impact

Staying Up-to-Date on Your Articles’ Impact

This is the first of two “ultimate guides” on practical tips for measuring the impact of academic output. Tomorrow we will examine […]

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How Are Salespeople Viewed Around the World?

How Are Salespeople Viewed Around the World?

How do we view salespeople? Are they overly excited individuals selling us products that may or may not work for a quick […]

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