
Feds Make First Move to Enact Open Access Mandate
Open Access
August 4, 2014

Feds Make First Move to Enact Open Access Mandate

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Sarah Harper on the Population Challenge for the 21st Century
Public Policy
August 4, 2014

Sarah Harper on the Population Challenge for the 21st Century

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Congratulations to the Winners of the Research Methods Division Awards!
Business and Management INK
August 4, 2014

Congratulations to the Winners of the Research Methods Division Awards!

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Latest Iteration of America COMPETES on Senate Floor
Academic Funding
August 1, 2014

Latest Iteration of America COMPETES on Senate Floor

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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Diets on the Internet: You Might as Well Make Them Up

Diets on the Internet: You Might as Well Make Them Up

Contradictory diet advice is everywhere – Katy Perry’s acupunctured fish, Matthew McConaughey and the caveman diet, Gwyneth Paltrow’s macrobiotic meals. It seems […]

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Technology: What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

Technology: What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

Gavin Moodie has looked at how printing first challenged then changed–for the better–higher education. Here he suggests more modern forms of technological advancement likely will result in the same.

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SAGE @ AOM 2014!

SAGE @ AOM 2014!

Greetings from the city of brotherly love! The Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting is officially in full swing! This year’s theme […]

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Should Self-Citation Count?

Should Self-Citation Count?

There has been much discussion over how useful citation metrics, like Google Scholar’s H-index, really are and to what extent they can be gamed. Specifically there appears to be concern over the practice of self-citation as it varies widely between disciplines. So what should academics make of self-citations? Referring back to our Handbook on Maximising the Impact of Your Research, the Public Policy Group assess the key issues and advise that self-citations by researchers and teams are a perfectly legitimate and relevant aspect of disciplinary practice. But individuals should take care to ensure their own self-citation rate is not above the average for their particular discipline.

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Don’t Miss SAGE at AOM!

Don’t Miss SAGE at AOM!

The 2014 Annual Academy of Management Meeting kicks off tomorrow in Philadelphia and SAGE will be there in full force! Make sure […]

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A Social Science Audit for Facebook’s News Feed?

A Social Science Audit for Facebook’s News Feed?

How can the public learn the role of algorithms in their daily lives, evaluating the law and ethicality of systems like the Facebook News Feed, search engines, or airline booking systems? Earlier this month Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society hosted a conversation about the idea of social science audits of algorithms, and J. Nathan Matias reports on the discourse.

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How Do Gendered Behavioral Norms Influence Sri Lankan Women’s Views of Workplace Sexual Harassment?

How Do Gendered Behavioral Norms Influence Sri Lankan Women’s Views of Workplace Sexual Harassment?

On July 21, 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike became Sri Lanka’s prime minister, a role never before held by a woman in any country. […]

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