
The Impact of Social Sciences Project by the Numbers
June 10, 2014

The Impact of Social Sciences Project by the Numbers

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Hoopla Aside, Turing’s Test Remains Unbeaten
June 9, 2014

Hoopla Aside, Turing’s Test Remains Unbeaten

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Who is Hurt By Corruption in the United States?
June 9, 2014

Who is Hurt By Corruption in the United States?

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Who is Hurt By Corruption in the United States?
Business and Management INK
June 9, 2014

Who is Hurt By Corruption in the United States?

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Social and Natural Science: Has the Square Been Circled?

Social and Natural Science: Has the Square Been Circled?

A natural scientist reflects on a conference that focused on bringing natural and social scientists into a a shared, and continuing, conversation.

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How Well Do Post-Training Transfer Interventions Help Trainees in the Workplace?

How Well Do Post-Training Transfer Interventions Help Trainees in the Workplace?

[We are pleased to welcome Jawad Syed, who collaborated with Agoes Rahyuda and Ebrahim Soltani on their article “The Role of Relapse […]

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Peer Review and You: Dispatch from a Young Researcher

Peer Review and You: Dispatch from a Young Researcher

A young researcher offers her take on the peer review after attending a Sense About Science session on the subject.

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NSF Clarifies Policy on Award Abstracts and Titles

NSF Clarifies Policy on Award Abstracts and Titles

On May 29, the National Science Foundation issued an Important Notice to Presidents of Universities and Colleges and Heads of Other National […]

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Comparing Senate Calm, House Storm on SBE Front

Comparing Senate Calm, House Storm on SBE Front

A blow-by-blow account of last weeks U.S. House of Representatives’ tussling over social sciecne funding differed markedly from dainty action in the Senate this week.

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‘Nudging’: What Works and Why (Not)?

‘Nudging’: What Works and Why (Not)?

A single nudge may be enough to cause a single action, but is a sing;e type of nudge sufficient to base a new policy on? Shouldn’t we know that before instituting that new policy?

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Are Online and Blended Classes a Good Fit for Management Education?

Are Online and Blended Classes a Good Fit for Management Education?

Online and blended (both online and in classroom) courses are becoming more and more popular as time goes on. According to the […]

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The Trials and Futures of ‘English for Academic Purposes’

The Trials and Futures of ‘English for Academic Purposes’

Academic English is its own language (for better or for worse), and literacy in it requires more than just being a dab hand with Google Translate.

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