
Drinking For Free at the Behavioral Insights Conference
International Debate
June 4, 2014

Drinking For Free at the Behavioral Insights Conference

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Book Review: What Use is Sociology?
June 4, 2014

Book Review: What Use is Sociology?

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Round-up of Social Science Research
June 4, 2014

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Can We Get Teens to Get Tested for STD’s?
Business and Management INK
June 4, 2014

Can We Get Teens to Get Tested for STD’s?

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Bruce Hood on the Supernatural

Bruce Hood on the Supernatural

Listen as Nigel Warburton talks with developmental psychologist Bruce Hood about the very natural tendency to look to the supernatural to explain events.

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Are CO-OP’s the Future of Health Care?

Are CO-OP’s the Future of Health Care?

According to the White House, 8 million people signed up for private insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care […]

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The Tightrope of Studying Subjects at Legality’s Fringe

The Tightrope of Studying Subjects at Legality’s Fringe

Social scientists don’t always study subjects whose actions please the authorities. Is the freedom to associate with these people for research purposes under attack? Should researchers have their own ‘shield law’?

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Whither, or Wither, Social Science at the NSF?

Whither, or Wither, Social Science at the NSF?

UPDATED: After last week’s flurry of activity in the House and with the Senate weighing in this week, where does social science stand in regard to continued U.S. government spending? The warning signs are more concerning than the current status.

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Go Team Girl! Women Empowerment and Olympic Success

Go Team Girl! Women Empowerment and Olympic Success

Women first took part in the Olympic Games in Paris in 1900, according to the International Olympic Committee. At the time, out […]

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Humanities and the Liberal University: Calls to Action

Humanities and the Liberal University: Calls to Action

Beyond the funding fears experienced by the social science, the humanities have those kinds of worries and their cyclic existential crisis.

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Out of Whack: Textbook Tragedy

Out of Whack: Textbook Tragedy

[Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to reproduce “Out of Whack: Textbook Tragedy” by Charles M. Vance from Journal of Management Inquiry.] Click here […]

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Big Shoes and Little Feet: Leadership in South Africa

Big Shoes and Little Feet: Leadership in South Africa

African governance guru Robert Rotberg is visiting South Africa and Zimbabwe, suggesting a prescription for leadership that tries to recapture some of the benefits of the fading Mandela moment.

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