
Special Issue on Coaching and HRD from Advances in Developing Human Resources
Business and Management INK
May 2, 2014

Special Issue on Coaching and HRD from Advances in Developing Human Resources

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10 Takeaways on the Academy’s Digital Trust Issues
May 2, 2014

10 Takeaways on the Academy’s Digital Trust Issues

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NIH’s Top Behavioral Official, Robert Kaplan, Moving On
May 1, 2014

NIH’s Top Behavioral Official, Robert Kaplan, Moving On

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Work, Work, Work…
May 1, 2014

Work, Work, Work…

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Work, work, work…

Work, work, work…

Today is International Workers’ Day, also known as May Day, a celebration of the international labor movement. SAGE publishes a number of […]

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Saskia Sassen on Before Method

Saskia Sassen on Before Method

Here’s an idea: social scientists should reflect critically on the prevailing concepts and categories before launching into empirical work with an existing framework. In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast, urban sociologist Saskia Sassen discusses that concept, called “before method,” with Nigel Warburton.

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CASBS Director Earns PoliSci’s Riker Prize

CASBS Director Earns PoliSci’s Riker Prize

The latest winner of the William H. Riker Prize continues a tradition of mixing CASBS fellows with Riker Prize awardees.

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CASBS Names 2014-15 Class of Fellows

CASBS Names 2014-15 Class of Fellows

The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University has named 28 scholars to its fellowship class of 2014-15. […]

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Largest-Ever NSF Budget Passes First Test

Largest-Ever NSF Budget Passes First Test

With no controversy and the only discussion about how best to honor the retiring chairman of the panel, the subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee that oversees the unlikely bedfellows of justice, commerce and scientific agencies has approved a $7.4 billion budget for the National Science Foundation.

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Is It Unfair to Blame Fast-Food Corporations for Obesity?

Is It Unfair to Blame Fast-Food Corporations for Obesity?

According to an online article from the Obesity Action Coalition, in the United States there are approximately three hundred thousand fast-food establishments […]

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Who Really Holds the Cards in Gambling Research?

Who Really Holds the Cards in Gambling Research?

Australian research into gambling ultimately is highly dependent on the success of gambling itself (even when it’s funded by the state). Is there any surprise that much of the research is rarely critical of the industry?

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The Doctor Who Gave $1 Million of His Own to Keep His Gun Research Going

The Doctor Who Gave $1 Million of His Own to Keep His Gun Research Going

The eternal hunt for funding is the bane of modern research, especially when your research subject is politically sensitive. Garen Wintemute found a way–sadly not one that the average academic can copy–around that: He paid for his gun research himself.

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