
Penny Wise: Why Would Anyone Gut Australia’s Science Agency?
Academic Funding
April 14, 2014

Penny Wise: Why Would Anyone Gut Australia’s Science Agency?

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Look Up ‘Open Access Help’ in the University Library
Open Access
April 14, 2014

Look Up ‘Open Access Help’ in the University Library

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The Perils of Megajournals–and How to Avoid Them
Open Access
April 14, 2014

The Perils of Megajournals–and How to Avoid Them

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Could Smartphones Become a Teaching Tool?
Business and Management INK
April 14, 2014

Could Smartphones Become a Teaching Tool?

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PoliSci Publishing Has a Need for Speed

PoliSci Publishing Has a Need for Speed

Editors of the recently launched journal Research and Politics argue publishing in political science requires a reboot. Time lags in conventional publishing and the limited accessibility of articles can undermine researchers’ attempts to maximize the impact of their work.

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Out of Whack: AQ, PQ, Miscue?

Out of Whack: AQ, PQ, Miscue?

[We’re pleased to reproduce Journal of Management Inquiry‘s “Out of Whack” by Charles M. Vance.] Read “Out of Whack” for free from […]

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A Focus on High-Quality Research

A Focus on High-Quality Research

[Editor’s Note: We are pleased to reproduce Michael LaTour’s editorial from the most recent issue of Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.] More than ever […]

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Online vs. Online On Campus — What’s the Difference?

Online vs. Online On Campus — What’s the Difference?

The line between studying online and studying on campus is increasingly blurry, argues tech thinker David Glance.

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Can Political Scientists Keep Reporters Honest?

Can Political Scientists Keep Reporters Honest?

Might adding some working political scientists into legacy media outlets help curb the use of misleading headlines and made-up trend stories in scoop-hungry news coverage?

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How Are Editorial Boards Comprised for Marketing Journals?

How Are Editorial Boards Comprised for Marketing Journals?

Becoming a member of an editorial board  can be a paramount step in the life of an academic. Scholars are able to […]

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University Students and Leaders Don’t Always Look Like UK Population

University Students and Leaders Don’t Always Look Like UK Population

New analysis of the ethnic diversity of both university students and the academics in charge of their education has revealed wide disparities in ethnic representation compared to UK population averages.

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The Thankless Burden of the Public Intellectual

The Thankless Burden of the Public Intellectual

Scholars are increasingly expected to consider the wider public, but with little to negative promotion incentive. Christopher Meyers finds much of what academics do does not fit into the standard boxes of teaching, scholarship and service. Is it time to replace these categories with a single holistic and qualitative standard?

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