
100,000 for AllTrials by International Clinical Trials Day
May 15, 2014

100,000 for AllTrials by International Clinical Trials Day

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EIS: Matching UK Politicians with UK Researchers
May 14, 2014

EIS: Matching UK Politicians with UK Researchers

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Former Congressman Porter Receives NAS’ Most Prestigious Award
May 14, 2014

Former Congressman Porter Receives NAS’ Most Prestigious Award

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Mental Health and Work: Employee Engagement, Part 1 of 3
Business and Management INK
May 14, 2014

Mental Health and Work: Employee Engagement, Part 1 of 3

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NAS Honors Anthropologist Hrdy, Psychologists Rutishauser, Saxe

NAS Honors Anthropologist Hrdy, Psychologists Rutishauser, Saxe

Several social and behavioral scientists received awards from the National Academy of Sciences earlier this year. Troland Research Awards The Troland Research […]

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Academy of Social Sciences Names 28 New Academicians

Academy of Social Sciences Names 28 New Academicians

The Academy of Social Sciences in the United Kingdom earlier this year conferred the award of Academician in the Social Sciences (denoted […]

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Why Not Give Journalists a Tip on Data-Driven Sources

Why Not Give Journalists a Tip on Data-Driven Sources

Liliana Bounegru looks at how media scholars have leveraged digital data and algorithmic accountability. In times of shrinking news budgets and staff cuts journalists can turn to such readily available sources of data as a way to understand public engagement with major issues.

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Sneak Preview of the August Issue of Journal of Service Research!

Sneak Preview of the August Issue of Journal of Service Research!

Journal of Service Research is a leading service research journal, offering an international and multidisciplinary perspective on the best management practices in […]

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Are You an Academic Hermit?

Are You an Academic Hermit?

Lack a personal website? No CV posted online? Is your work visible on digital listings? If you are answering no, Patrick Dunleavy offers some advice how to easily shed that monkish role — if you want to.

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McClelland, Spelke Win Inaugural NAS Mind Prize

McClelland, Spelke Win Inaugural NAS Mind Prize

Stanford cognitive psychologist James L. McClelland and Harvard psychologist Elizabeth Shilin Spelke are the inaugural recipients of the National Academy of Sciences […]

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Journal of Business Communication is Now International Journal of Business Communication!

Journal of Business Communication is Now International Journal of Business Communication!

As you may have noticed, Journal of Business Communication is now International Journal of Business Communication. Why the name change? The Association for […]

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Recruiters Beware: Facebook Information May Not Predict Future Performance

Recruiters Beware: Facebook Information May Not Predict Future Performance

[Editor’s Note: We are pleased to welcome Chad H. Van Iddekinge who collaborated with Stephen E. Lanivich, Philip L. Roth, and Elliott […]

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