
Honoring a Prescient Look Corporate Social Responsibility
May 25, 2023

Honoring a Prescient Look Corporate Social Responsibility

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Attacking Wicked Problems with Hip-Hop: An Interview with Walter Greason
May 25, 2023

Attacking Wicked Problems with Hip-Hop: An Interview with Walter Greason

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NSF Reaching Out to High Schoolers Interested in Social, Behavioral Science
May 23, 2023

NSF Reaching Out to High Schoolers Interested in Social, Behavioral Science

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A Broader View of Discrimination Toward Muslims in the Workplace
Business and Management INK
May 22, 2023

A Broader View of Discrimination Toward Muslims in the Workplace

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Greater Autonomy Needed to Reform Research Reassessment: A View from Spain

Greater Autonomy Needed to Reform Research Reassessment: A View from Spain

The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment offers a window of opportunity to transform evaluation systems across Europe. However, in order to implement the qualitative style of evaluation proposed, it will be necessary to modify the processes and sites of evaluation in those countries relying on centralised evaluation system

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Welcome Boomerang Employees Back — Effectively

Welcome Boomerang Employees Back — Effectively

A recent Paychex survey asked individuals who quit their jobs if they were satisfied with their original decision and whether they had any regrets. About 80 percent of the more than 800 employees surveyed said that they did have regrets about quitting. In addition, 78 percent of individuals who left their jobs said that they would like to have their old job back, and 68 percent had tried to do so. Paychex dubbed this the “great regret.” However, these results give employers valuable information about the potential to work with those who have been called “boomerang employees” in previous generations.

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Obaro Ikime, 1936-2023: Scholar of Nigerian and African Identity

Obaro Ikime, 1936-2023: Scholar of Nigerian and African Identity

Obaro Ikime died on 25 April 2023, aged 86. He fought valiantly, and ultimately successfully, to get the discipline of history restored to Nigerian higher education.

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Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1937-2023: Nobel Laureate and Pioneer of Rational Expectations

Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1937-2023: Nobel Laureate and Pioneer of Rational Expectations

Robert “Bob” Lucas Jr., an economist, educator and Nobel Prize in Economics laureate, died May 15. He was 85.

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Bear Braumoeller, 1968-2023: Prescient Observer of the International Order

Bear Braumoeller, 1968-2023: Prescient Observer of the International Order

Bear Braumoeller, a political scientist and computational social scientist whose work on international conflict in today’s world seemed especially prescient after Russia’s war on Ukraine, has died

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AAPSS Names Six Scholars as 2023 Scholars

AAPSS Names Six Scholars as 2023 Scholars

Six scholars drawn from political science, sociology, economics and demography have been named 2023 fellows of The American Academy of Political and Social Science.

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How to Practice Aristotelian Deliberation in Business Organizations

How to Practice Aristotelian Deliberation in Business Organizations

The authors argue that Aristotelian ethics of deliberation is a safeguard against the risks of ideological conditioning, false debates, and instrumentalization of power by the strongest people.

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Listen Up: Paper Argues Podcasting Can Transform Scholarly Communities and Society

Listen Up: Paper Argues Podcasting Can Transform Scholarly Communities and Society

In “How Academic Podcasting Can Change Academia And Its Relationship With Society: A Conversation And Guide,” Michael Cox, an environmental social scientist at Dartmouth College, and 24 other researchers (themselves academic podcasters), describe how academic podcasting could help various dimensions of higher education and offer suggestions for researchers interested in starting a podcast.

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