
How the Internet Has Changed Our Travel Habits
Business and Management INK
April 9, 2014

How the Internet Has Changed Our Travel Habits

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New Leader Named for Index on Censorship
Recent Appointments
April 8, 2014

New Leader Named for Index on Censorship

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In Canada, We Like OA But We Don’t Like Its Cost
Open Access
April 8, 2014

In Canada, We Like OA But We Don’t Like Its Cost

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Sense About Science and NHS Choices Launch New Online Forum
April 8, 2014

Sense About Science and NHS Choices Launch New Online Forum

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Why Are Some Leaders Selfish?

Why Are Some Leaders Selfish?

Abraham Lincoln once said that if you wanted to test a man’s character, give him power. While one would hope that a […]

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The Lowdown on Five Collaborative Writing Tools for Academics

The Lowdown on Five Collaborative Writing Tools for Academics

Research collaboration now involves significant online communication. But sending files back and forth between collaborators creates redundancy of effort, causes unnecessary delays and, many times, leaves people frustrated with the whole idea of collaboration. Christof Schöch looks at some web-based collaborative writing tools and presents some helpful tips on finding the right tool for the job.

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Listen: ‘Thou Shalt Commit a Social Science’

Listen: ‘Thou Shalt Commit a Social Science’

At the kick off of the Campaign for Social Science’s lobbying effort before the 2015 UK general elections, journalist Tim Harford gives a real-life example of how social science both steps on and then enhances a compelling public policy narrative.

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Are Academics Too Serious?

Are Academics Too Serious?

Last December, President Obama said in an interview with talk-show host Steve Harvey that “You can’t take yourself too seriously.” The president went […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are  drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The article linked to below […]

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Out of Whack: A Scene from a Tenure and Promotion Review Committee Meeting

Out of Whack: A Scene from a Tenure and Promotion Review Committee Meeting

[We’re pleased to reproduce Journal of Management Inquiry‘s most recent “Out of Whack” by Charles M. Vance.] Read “Out of Whack” for […]

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The Less Shocking Reality of Milgram’s Experiments

The Less Shocking Reality of Milgram’s Experiments

In synthesizing the results of many of Stanley Milgram’s obedience trial experiments, modern-day researchers find the scary takeaways that have long accompanied the work don’t really hold up as strongly as once assumed..

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Modeling Relational Events

Modeling Relational Events

[Editor’s Note: We are pleased to welcome Eric Quintane who collaborated with Guido Conaldi, Marco Tonellato, and Alessandro Lomi on their paper […]

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