
UK Social Science Readies its Case Before 2015 Elections
April 4, 2014

UK Social Science Readies its Case Before 2015 Elections

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Applicant Window Closing for New Head of ESRC
April 3, 2014

Applicant Window Closing for New Head of ESRC

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How Do Students Choose Colleges?
Business and Management INK
April 3, 2014

How Do Students Choose Colleges?

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Our Ailing Cities Need Social Science to Cross-Fertilize
April 3, 2014

Our Ailing Cities Need Social Science to Cross-Fertilize

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A Sweet (Potato) Winner for Social Science

A Sweet (Potato) Winner for Social Science

A paper that shines light on the enigmatic spread of the sweet potato throughout the populated bits of the Pacific Ocean and […]

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Can Virtual Teams Work Together as Well as Traditional Teams?

Can Virtual Teams Work Together as Well as Traditional Teams?

A good team is like a well oiled machine. Members have a collective understanding of what needs to be done and how […]

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Gregory Clark on Names

Gregory Clark on Names

What’s in a name? According to economist Gregory Clark, a lot of divine-able information about your family’s past and perhaps a fair bit about your children’s future. In the latest edition of Social Science Bites, David Edmonds talks with Clark about his at-times controversial examination of surnames and their nexus with social mobility.

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Reviewer: Journal Wilts Under Climate of Intimidation

Reviewer: Journal Wilts Under Climate of Intimidation

As an echo of the latest just-released IPCC report on climate change, Elaine McKewon details how one journal blinked when climate change skeptics turned up the heat on an article exploring conspiracy ideation and the rejection of science.

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Call for Papers: Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories

Call for Papers: Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories

Less than a week remains to submit abstracts for the Regional Studies Association’s European Conference 2014, slated for June 16-18 in Izmir, […]

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Britain’s New Open Access Policy Changes the Game

Britain’s New Open Access Policy Changes the Game

With the final consultation period now over, the open access policy for Britain’s next Research Excellence Framework has been released. Alma Swan looks at the rollout–which requires the deposit of articles into repositories–and finds this is pragmatic but good policymaking that should help shift the culture in British universities towards open access.

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Duckie Blog Awards: Unrest, Violence and Nukes, Oh My!

Duckie Blog Awards: Unrest, Violence and Nukes, Oh My!

Blogs dealing with political unrest, global violence and nuclear weapons were awarded as among the best in the English-speaking international studies community last Friday.

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Can We Be Happy in a Post-Apocalyptic  World?

Can We Be Happy in a Post-Apocalyptic World?

Scientists predict that in the years to come both temperatures and sea levels could rise, diminishing valuable resources and leaving civilization in […]

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