
Seven Strategies for Publishing Qualitative Research
April 29, 2014

Seven Strategies for Publishing Qualitative Research

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Publishing Qualitative Research
Business and Management INK
April 29, 2014

Publishing Qualitative Research

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Universities a Safe Home for Ideas – But Only Safe Ideas
April 29, 2014

Universities a Safe Home for Ideas – But Only Safe Ideas

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Can a Humble CEO Benefit The Company?
Business and Management INK
April 28, 2014

Can a Humble CEO Benefit The Company?

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How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

Reports of their death have been exaggerated: a look at the literature finds academic papers are not as uncited as recent reports would have you believe, but don’t start celebrating over the genuine figures.

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Out of Whack: The Birth of Disruptive Innovation Theory

Out of Whack: The Birth of Disruptive Innovation Theory

[Editor’s Note: Happy Saturday! We’re pleased to reproduce “Out of Whack: The Birth of Disruptive Innovation Theory” by Charles M. Vance from […]

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Whither Violence?

Whither Violence?

Professor David Canter comments on Britain’s downward trend in violence and examines some of the factors that may underlie it besides a more expensive pint.

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If You Want an Academic Mentor, Try to Be a White Guy

If You Want an Academic Mentor, Try to Be a White Guy

Grad sudents looking for a professor to be a mentor had a better chance of getting a positive response – or a response at all – if they were white and male, according to a new study that broke down findings by discipline and whether a school was public or private.

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Workplace Values Across the Generations

Workplace Values Across the Generations

According the Economist, the current workforce can mostly be broken down into three generations: Baby-boomers (born between 1946 and the mid 60’s), […]

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National Science Board Critical of FIRST Elements

National Science Board Critical of FIRST Elements

National Science Board steps beyond its usual comfort zone to lodge a criticism of NSF re-authorization bill that would establish role for Congress in picking research funding winners and losers.

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What is Performance Adaptation?

What is Performance Adaptation?

The workplace has changed over the last few decades. Workers are now required to continuously accommodate new and challenging situations as they […]

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Grabbing the Academic Reader’s Attention – By Design

Grabbing the Academic Reader’s Attention – By Design

Patrick Dunleavy offers four principles for improving how you display tables, graphs, charts and diagrams to give the beleaguered reader help in deciphering your message.

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