
The Open Access Megajournal: One Publisher’s Experience
Open Access
April 23, 2014

The Open Access Megajournal: One Publisher’s Experience

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Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From?
Business and Management INK
April 23, 2014

Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From?

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How to Be the Grad Student Your Adviser Brags About
April 23, 2014

How to Be the Grad Student Your Adviser Brags About

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Poverty Action Lab and Its Leaders Honored by SSRC
April 22, 2014

Poverty Action Lab and Its Leaders Honored by SSRC

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Nominations Sought For Evidence-Based Champion

Nominations Sought For Evidence-Based Champion

Sense About Science, in conjunction with Nature and the Kohn Foundation, is seeking to award an individual who has promoted sound science […]

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Peer Review: The Nuts and Bolts

Peer Review: The Nuts and Bolts

Using a collection of concerns raised by their peers, Sense about Science’s Voices of Young Scientists writing team set off to interview […]

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Usability testing at SAGE

Usability testing at SAGE

Would you like to help shape the features and functionality of SAGE’s online products? We are conducting monthly usability testing and would […]

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OA in Britain: We Have a Rule, Now Let’s Get Some Data

OA in Britain: We Have a Rule, Now Let’s Get Some Data

The landscape for open access in Britain’s social science and humanities fields is very different and very similar to the better studied STEM fields, a new report from the British Academy finds.

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Aussie Academics Keep Publishing, and May Start Perishing

Aussie Academics Keep Publishing, and May Start Perishing

Under attack from some quarters for research that is portrayed as wasteful or out of touch, it’s time, argues Jason Ensor, to find newer and more public ways to engage the community beyond the ivory tower.

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Snowden and … Sophocles? Whistleblowing in Antigone

Snowden and … Sophocles? Whistleblowing in Antigone

While figures like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have been in the public eye in recent years, whistleblowers are not a new […]

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Academic Excellence and Other Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Academic Excellence and Other Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

‘It’s not what you know but who you know’ is a trope that’s common in many careers but which the academy often claims to avoid. Except that in many cases it doesn’t.

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Out of Whack: On the Strength of Weak Ties

Out of Whack: On the Strength of Weak Ties

[Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to reproduce Journal of Management Inquiry‘s “Out of Whack” by Charles M. Vance.] Read “Out of Whack” for […]

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