
U.S. Science Funding Bill Advances – With Raft of Restrictions
July 19, 2023

U.S. Science Funding Bill Advances – With Raft of Restrictions

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Musical Ways of Knowing
July 19, 2023

Musical Ways of Knowing

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Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity
Business and Management INK
July 18, 2023

Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity

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Hidden Identities: Uncovering Gender Bias in Soccer Evaluation
July 18, 2023

Hidden Identities: Uncovering Gender Bias in Soccer Evaluation

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True Crime: Insight Into The Human Fascination With The Who-Done-It

True Crime: Insight Into The Human Fascination With The Who-Done-It

Half of Americans say they enjoy true crime — stories portraying real-life instances of murder, kidnapping and other shocking crimes — and 35 percent say they consume true crime content at least once a week. Why are people, especially women, so fascinated with the genre, and how does interest in the who-done-it affect consumers’ thoughts and behaviors

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The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The management and leadership development programs designed to strengthen a manager’s authority might actually be damaging it.

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Harnessing the Power of Social Learning in Teaching Marketing

Harnessing the Power of Social Learning in Teaching Marketing

Dr. Tracy L. Tuten explores the power of social learning in teaching marketing, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, resource sharing, and the use of platforms like Perusall to foster a sense of community and enhance the educational experience, based on an online reading group of her book ‘Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age.’

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History Offers Way Forward for Ukrainian Scientific System

History Offers Way Forward for Ukrainian Scientific System

Research shows that local and international policymakers can minimize the harm suffered by Ukrainian science by providing direct funding to researchers, creating remote research positions and offering research opportunities abroad to Ukrainian scientists.

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A Shift to Consider Platform’s Role in Leadership Research

A Shift to Consider Platform’s Role in Leadership Research

Marilyn Poon, research assistant in the Department of Organization Studies at the University of Innsbruck Austria, discusses leadership research and inspirations behind […]

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Employee Creativity at Work when Coping with Life Trauma: The Importance of Organizational Practices

Employee Creativity at Work when Coping with Life Trauma: The Importance of Organizational Practices

Professor Feirong Yuan discusses the impacts of creativity at work and answers questions about her paper, “Sensemaking and Creativity at Work When […]

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Science’s Communication Problem

Science’s Communication Problem

Scientists can be brilliant communicators. We are trained to work with collaborations large and small, present our work in journal articles and conferences with clarity and purpose, and generally enjoy chatting with each other. Communication is a fundamental part of scientific life. Yet when scientists try to engage the public, they face barriers to getting their message across and can often find their messages manipulated.

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Webinar: How Can Public Access Advance Equity and Learning?

Webinar: How Can Public Access Advance Equity and Learning?

The U.S. National Science Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science have teamed up present a 90-minute online session examining how to balance public access to federally funded research results with an equitable publishing environment.

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