
Outstanding Paper Award for Public Finance Review
Business and Management INK
February 17, 2014

Outstanding Paper Award for Public Finance Review

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Workplace Harassment Back in the News
Business and Management INK
February 15, 2014

Workplace Harassment Back in the News

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Golden Goose Awards: Honk If You Support Basic Research
February 15, 2014

Golden Goose Awards: Honk If You Support Basic Research

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Measuring Impact Via Influence, Not Bank Balance
February 14, 2014

Measuring Impact Via Influence, Not Bank Balance

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Should You Be in Business With Your Spouse?

Should You Be in Business With Your Spouse?

Happy Valentine’s Day! On a day committed to love and partnership, we wondered: how does working with your loved one affect both […]

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Pluralism’s Ringmaster: Robert Dahl, 1915-2014

Pluralism’s Ringmaster: Robert Dahl, 1915-2014

Robert Dahl, one of the founders of American political science and the theorist of pluralism, has died at age 98.

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Two Myths and One Truth About Congressional Testimony

Two Myths and One Truth About Congressional Testimony

Impact is all the rage right now, but what happens when you’re finally given a path to a bully pulpit? Testimony is only the tip of the iceberg – there’s much more opportunity if you look a little deeper.

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Using Simulation as a Training Tool for Project Management

Using Simulation as a Training Tool for Project Management

Educators work hard to make sure their pupils are prepared for their chosen field of work. Inside a classroom, however, this can […]

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The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

Social media and alternative ways of measuring academic impact are helping turn universities into giant newsrooms, argues Maxine Newlands. That’s not necessarily bad, and it may be inevitable.

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Do Celebrities Influence Our Vacation Destinations?

Do Celebrities Influence Our Vacation Destinations?

During the winter doldrums, it’s easy to find yourself daydreaming about where you’d like to escape for vacation. But as you start […]

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A Perceptive Outsider Always Looking In: Stuart Hall, 1932-2014

A Perceptive Outsider Always Looking In: Stuart Hall, 1932-2014

The permanent outsider who helped pry open Britain’s eyes to the field of cultural studies has died at age 82.

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Floods, Politics and Science: The Case of the Somerset Levels

Floods, Politics and Science: The Case of the Somerset Levels

Feel-good interventions that don’t provide a practical good, or at least one not supported by evidence, generate questions that hinge specifically on future responses to climate change and more broadly on government decision-making in general.

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