
LSE Study Offers More Ammunition for Social Sciences’ Defense
Academic Funding
January 24, 2014

LSE Study Offers More Ammunition for Social Sciences’ Defense

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The Social Impact of the Corporation: A New Virtual Feature Issue from Administrative Science Quarterly
Business and Management INK
January 24, 2014

The Social Impact of the Corporation: A New Virtual Feature Issue from Administrative Science Quarterly

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How to Make Collaborative Research Generative? Play the Cards!
Business and Management INK
January 23, 2014

How to Make Collaborative Research Generative? Play the Cards!

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Why is the Study of Social Science So Critical to Our Future?
January 22, 2014

Why is the Study of Social Science So Critical to Our Future?

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How Social Sciences are Converging with STEM

How Social Sciences are Converging with STEM

Much less is known about the development of the social sciences as a complete discipline group than about the science, technology, engineering and mathematics discipline group. Patrick Dunleavy, Simon Bastow  and Jane Tinkler set out some key findings from their new book, “The Impacts of the Social Sciences,” identifying five key trends that are causing the old social sciences versus physical science divide to dissolve.

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Exploring Status in Organization and Management Theory

Exploring Status in Organization and Management Theory

How do scholars define status? Alessandro Piazza and Fabrizio Castellucci, both of Bocconi University, point out in their article “Status in Organization and […]

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Get a Better Understanding of Climate Change Issues Through Simulation

Get a Better Understanding of Climate Change Issues Through Simulation

Global warming and climate change have become hot-button issues in the past few decades. Many disagree on the long-term effects and what […]

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Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. with Diversity in the Workplace

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. with Diversity in the Workplace

“All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his letter from Birmingham Jail […]

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January 30 Webinar: The Great Recession and the Safety Net

January 30 Webinar: The Great Recession and the Safety Net

AAPSS and Brookings will join to discuss the effects of the Great Recession in areas such as macroeconomic policy, politics, the job market and household wealth in a forum that will be live streamed here this Thursday.

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MLK Weekend Reading: Book Review: Documenting Desegregation: Racial and Gender  Segregation in Private-sector Employment since the Civil Rights Act

MLK Weekend Reading: Book Review: Documenting Desegregation: Racial and Gender Segregation in Private-sector Employment since the Civil Rights Act

Want to learn more about how the Civil Rights Movement affected the workplace this Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend? Kevin Stainback and […]

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Thoughts on Economic Globalization?

Thoughts on Economic Globalization?

Financial globalization has boomed over the last ten decades, bringing with it scholarly fascination and debate.  Has economic globalization helped developing countries, […]

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Social Sciences Worth an Estimated £24 Billion to UK Economy

Social Sciences Worth an Estimated £24 Billion to UK Economy

This post originally appeared on the London School of Economis (LSE) Media page here. It is kindly reposted with their permission. Social science […]

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