
Strategic Management Research from ORM
Business and Management INK
December 11, 2013

Strategic Management Research from ORM

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Psychological Science at Work
Business and Management INK
December 9, 2013

Psychological Science at Work

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The New Academic Elitism
December 7, 2013

The New Academic Elitism

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In Memory of Mandela
December 6, 2013

In Memory of Mandela

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Social Discrimination in the Corporate Elite

Social Discrimination in the Corporate Elite

In the new article from Administrative Science Quarterly, Dr. Sun Hyun Park at University of Southern California and Dr. James D. Westphal at […]

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How is Systems Science Used in Public Health?

How is Systems Science Used in Public Health?

On December 4, 2013, Society for Public Health Education, National Institutes for Health Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research and SAGE […]

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Video-Based Research Methods

Video-Based Research Methods

CALL FOR PAPERS Guest Editors: Paula Jarzabkowski, Curtis LeBaron, Katherine Phillips, and Michael Pratt The editorial team of Organizational Research Methods would like […]

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Hard Evidence: Is Open Access Working?

Hard Evidence: Is Open Access Working?

The below post was originally published on The Conversation, and is kindly reposted here with their permission. Author – Ernesto Priego, Lecturer […]

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Europe slides in Times Higher Education rankings

Europe slides in Times Higher Education rankings

Some of the top institutions in Europe have dropped down the annual Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2013. The UK and US continue to dominate while leaders in France, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Belgium, Ireland and Austria have seen their stars fade. The results are likely to spur on advocates of a scheme to produce a measurement of university excellence that better reflects the strengths of universities outside the US and UK.

Taking the top spot in the THE rankings for the third year in a row is the California Institute of Technology. Oxford has also maintained its position in joint second place but in a tussle between the East and West coasts of the US, Harvard has pushed Stanford into fourth place, having regained its position next to Oxford at number two.

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Teaching Children To Code: The Latest Revolution Most People Are Unaware Of

Teaching Children To Code: The Latest Revolution Most People Are Unaware Of

We’re living in an age of technology, with exciting new devices being released at a tremendously fast rate. It is then no […]

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Angus Deaton on Health and Inequality

Angus Deaton on Health and Inequality

Angus Deaton is a social scientist and the author of The Great Escape: Health, Wealth and the Origins of Inequality. His Princeton colleague, the philosopher Peter Singer, argues that aid is vital to combat the terrible mortality rates in some countries. Angus Deaton disagrees..

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Join the Twitter Chat: Exploring System and Social Science in Public Health

Join the Twitter Chat: Exploring System and Social Science in Public Health

  Join the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Research (OBSSR) and SAGE for a live […]

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