
Make It Work For You
Business and Management INK
October 22, 2013

Make It Work For You

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Sociology Outside Academia
October 19, 2013

Sociology Outside Academia

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Social Marketing and Health Messages
Business and Management INK
October 18, 2013

Social Marketing and Health Messages

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Economic Ecosystems
Business and Management INK
October 17, 2013

Economic Ecosystems

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More Than a Thousand Words

More Than a Thousand Words

There’s an old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,”  but often in ethnographic research pictures can be forgotten, especially when […]

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The Ethics of Impact

The Ethics of Impact

Back in the summer, John Holmwood, the current BSA President, sent me an email about impact and research ethics. Various contingencies have […]

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JSR Award Winners!

JSR Award Winners!

We’re so excited to congratulate Dr. Cheryl Burke Jarvis at Southern Illinois University for being awarded the Journal of Service Research’s Best Reviewer […]

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Examination of Strategic Leadership

Examination of Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership styles and their need for further empirical research is compellingly discussed in the newly published article in Journal of Leadership […]

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Mental Health Measurement and the Workplace

Mental Health Measurement and the Workplace

Due to the confusion over what counts as evidence, mental health research has largely failed to make a significant impact on workplace wellbeing and employment relations practices. Elizabeth Cotton argues that in order to make a positive difference, academic research will have to involve new technologies and communication strategies aimed at helping people to improve their mental health at work.

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All In The Family

All In The Family

It’s not just the relations that make family businesses different from their counterparts. Forced to consider the extensive long-term in a way that’s […]

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Should the Uk have a written constitution?

Should the Uk have a written constitution?

  Should the Uk have a written constitution? see our links to new projects http://ow.ly/pFQBZ

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Too Lean?

Too Lean?

Companies are constantly looking for new ways to make their daily processes and big projects as efficient as possible. A new practice, Lean […]

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