
‘Norma Rae’: Why Workers Join Unions
Business and Management INK
September 2, 2013

‘Norma Rae’: Why Workers Join Unions

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How Travel Broadens the Mind
Business and Management INK
September 1, 2013

How Travel Broadens the Mind

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Book Review: Al Gore’s ‘The Future’
August 31, 2013

Book Review: Al Gore’s ‘The Future’

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140 Thoughtless Characters Cost Dear in Academia
International Debate
August 30, 2013

140 Thoughtless Characters Cost Dear in Academia

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Time To Close the Gender Wage Gap

Time To Close the Gender Wage Gap

Fifty years after the Equal Pay Act of 1963, U.S. women are still making 77 cents for every dollar a man takes […]

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Speakers’ Corner at the British Library

Speakers’ Corner at the British Library

As part of the British Library’s ‘Propaganda: Power and Persuasion’ exhibition Speakers’ Corner can be found in the Poets’ Circle from the […]

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How To Work Effectively In Virtual Teams

How To Work Effectively In Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are becoming more and more prevalent in the global business community. But they come with some unique challenges, for which […]

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Oh the humanities: Oxford graduates do well, but what about the rest?

Oh the humanities: Oxford graduates do well, but what about the rest?

A study of 11,000 alumni from the University of Oxford has shown that humanities graduates went on to work in the UK’s major growth sectors. The Oxford study can’t tell us much about the fate of graduates at other universities around the UK. But it does prompt a closer look at the stigma surrounding humanities subjects in the UK.

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The Next Big Thing in Business Communication?

The Next Big Thing in Business Communication?

Whether you’re reading up on the latest business communication strategies or just seeking tips for effective learning, don’t miss this Business Communication […]

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Why Some Firms Internationalize Better Than Others

Why Some Firms Internationalize Better Than Others

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Chris Graves of the University of Adelaide in Australia. His paper “An Empirical Analysis of […]

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How Scholars Can Be Strategic Communicators

How Scholars Can Be Strategic Communicators

As academics, we are not usually trained – or even encouraged – to seek an audience for our research beyond the world of peer review. This leaves us ill-equipped for the policy world, a competitive place in which scholars enjoy few advantages. To bring our ideas and findings into the policy arena, we must adopt a style of engagement that enable us to compete effectively with these other groups for the attention of decision-makers.

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Linking Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction

Linking Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction

When the customer service rep greets you with a warm smile, he is engaging in emotional labor (EL), or the regulation of […]

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