
The Myth of Academic Stardom
May 14, 2013

The Myth of Academic Stardom

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Not a Silver Bullet: PLS and Management Research
Business and Management INK
May 14, 2013

Not a Silver Bullet: PLS and Management Research

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How Individuals Succeed in Complex Environments
Business and Management INK
May 13, 2013

How Individuals Succeed in Complex Environments

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Book Review: Seeds, Science, and Struggle
Business and Management INK
May 12, 2013

Book Review: Seeds, Science, and Struggle

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‘Wow, That Was Funny’: Humor Delivers the Message

‘Wow, That Was Funny’: Humor Delivers the Message

There is no doubt that humor captures people’s attention. For social marketers, who aim to change individuals’ behavior in order to achieve […]

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Huddle Up! Team Learning In the Workplace

Huddle Up! Team Learning In the Workplace

Humans learn through social interaction. In the workplace, huddles–informal meetings of two or more people gathered to discuss work-related issues–play a critical […]

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The Branded Sociologist: Can We Still Be On Anyone’s Side?

The Branded Sociologist: Can We Still Be On Anyone’s Side?

Sociology is a brand. To survive or even thrive in the academic marketplace, sociology needs to take care of its image. But at what cost?

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SAGE Begins Publishing Public Personnel Management

SAGE Begins Publishing Public Personnel Management

We are pleased to announce that SAGE has begun publishing Public Personnel Management, an award-winning quarterly journal for human resource executives and […]

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Rethinking the Meaning of Meetings

Rethinking the Meaning of Meetings

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Jane Jorgenson and Frederick Steier, both of the University of South Florida, whose article “Frames, […]

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Congressional Briefing on social surveys and statistics (American Academy of Political and Social Science)

Congressional Briefing on social surveys and statistics (American Academy of Political and Social Science)

Last month The American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS) put together a Congressional Briefing on the impact of falling response rates to social surveys and what can be done about it.

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The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics

The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics

Survey researchers are increasingly unable to get people to respond to surveys. This is a real worry because nonresponse can lead to biased research and because nonresponse poses a significant threat to the federal statistical system in its entirety.

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Building Trust Between Generations

Building Trust Between Generations

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Isabella R. Hatak and Dietmar Roessl, both of the WU Vienna University of Economics and […]

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