
How to Understand and Cope with Stress
Business and Management INK
April 2, 2013

How to Understand and Cope with Stress

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Healthy Workplaces, Better Lives
Business and Management INK
April 1, 2013

Healthy Workplaces, Better Lives

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Book Review: ‘Pay: Why People Earn What They Earn’
March 31, 2013

Book Review: ‘Pay: Why People Earn What They Earn’

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Top Five: Hot Topics In Public Finance
Business and Management INK
March 30, 2013

Top Five: Hot Topics In Public Finance

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What Trends Are Changing Your Future?

What Trends Are Changing Your Future?

The World Future Review spring issue is online! For a limited time, enjoy free access to the first SAGE-published issue of this […]

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Social Science in the National interest, U.S. Congress cuts Social Science out of NSF Funding, and more in this Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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What Makes High-Performance Organizations Tick?

What Makes High-Performance Organizations Tick?

What are high performance work systems, and why do they matter to human resource researchers and practitioners today? A new article in […]

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So Much Noise: Are Academics being Over-Branded?

So Much Noise: Are Academics being Over-Branded?

The Ivory Tower has been toppled and academia has an impact in the ‘real world’. The problem is that this may have come at the expense of truly innovative and critical scholarship.

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Tech Innovation in the Family Context

Tech Innovation in the Family Context

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Dr. Alfredo De Massis of the University of Bergamo, Italy, who published the lead article […]

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Open Access increases citation? A brief overview of two reports

Open Access increases citation? A brief overview of two reports

A comparison of two studies on the coverage and range of citations in Open Access, comparing OA and non-OA journals.

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In Ethical Decision Making, Intuition Matters

In Ethical Decision Making, Intuition Matters

When reason and logic fail, can intuition and emotion provide better guidance? An article by Chen-Bo Zhong of the University of Toronto, […]

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Open Access and the Privatisation of Knowledge

Open Access and the Privatisation of Knowledge

Is OA the flip side to privatisation of Higher Education? Is there a way in which OA is a means of justifying the economic inaccessibility of HE by providing a public good?

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