
The Oscars: Shining a Light on the Best in Film
Business and Management INK
February 24, 2013

The Oscars: Shining a Light on the Best in Film

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The Role of the Arts in Organizational Settings
Business and Management INK
February 23, 2013

The Role of the Arts in Organizational Settings

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Science, Advocacy and Anthropology
International Debate
February 22, 2013

Science, Advocacy and Anthropology

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How Leadership Styles Influence Firm Performance
Business and Management INK
February 22, 2013

How Leadership Styles Influence Firm Performance

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Liberal Arts: Still Valuable

Liberal Arts: Still Valuable

Emory’s recent decision to shut down or suspend various academic departments and programs has rightly generated campus-wide and national attention.

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What is Organizational Performance?

What is Organizational Performance?

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome P. Maik Hamann, Frank Schiemann, Lucia Bellora, and Thomas W. Guenther, all of Technische Universitat […]

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The Vocation of Sociology – Exposing Slow Violence

The Vocation of Sociology – Exposing Slow Violence

Much destruction of human potential takes the form of a “slow violence” that extends over time. It is insidious, undramatic and relatively invisible.

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Regulatory Roulette: Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Place Your Bets…

Regulatory Roulette: Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Place Your Bets…

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Kim Soin of the University of Exeter in the U.K. and Christian Huber of Helmut-Schmidt-University […]

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How Does Sociology Feel?

How Does Sociology Feel?

Just as it is insufficiently recognised in public debates, the emotional side of forced flexibility in academic labour does not appear to be a major topic of conversation among established sociologists

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Dealing With Outliers in Organizational Science Research

Dealing With Outliers in Organizational Science Research

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Herman Aguinis, Ryan K. Gottfredson, and Harry Joo, all of Indiana University, whose article “Best-practice […]

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Postgraduate Study – A right or an opportunity?

Postgraduate Study – A right or an opportunity?

There are all sorts of things from which we are excluded by limited means. Is postgraduate education really so different?

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Greek Crisis: How Social Marketing Can Help

Greek Crisis: How Social Marketing Can Help

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Dr. Periklis Polyzoidis of the Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini, Greece, whose article “Social […]

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