
Making Change Happen: Part 2 of 4
Business and Management INK
January 9, 2013

Making Change Happen: Part 2 of 4

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Provoked by Boredom: Experiences from Youth Confinement
January 8, 2013

Provoked by Boredom: Experiences from Youth Confinement

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Making Change Happen: Part 1 of 4
Business and Management INK
January 8, 2013

Making Change Happen: Part 1 of 4

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How Entrepreneurship Evolves
Business and Management INK
January 7, 2013

How Entrepreneurship Evolves

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Doing Business by Respecting the Earth

Doing Business by Respecting the Earth

Is it possible to be a part of big business and a citizen of the earth at the same time? Get a […]

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How Generations Make Travel Decisions

How Generations Make Travel Decisions

When it comes to travel decision-making, how do Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y compare? The answer is crucial for marketing […]

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Re-establishing economics as a realist and relevant social science, the use of social science in court, and more in this weekly overview of Social Science News

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Can ‘Neds’ or ‘Chavs’ be non-delinquent, educated or even middle class?: Examining the cultural stereotypes From Sociology The heightened risk of immigrants developing schizophrenia […]

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week

Happy New year! Time to set your new year resolutions. the American Psychoplogical Association website has a section on will power and […]

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Daniel Kahneman on Bias

Daniel Kahneman on Bias

Thinking is hard, and most of the time we rely on simple psychological mechanisms that can lead us astray. In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast, the Nobel-prizewinning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, talks to Nigel Warburton about biases in our reasoning.

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OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences

OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences

The opportunity for H&SS to reach much wider audiences who appreciate the value of their work generally, and to reach those specific people who will make important use of it is enormous.

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Race, Gender, and Communication in the Workplace

Race, Gender, and Communication in the Workplace

Whether a manager is black or white, male or female, the stereotypes that persist in today’s workplace can affect perceptions of managerial […]

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