
Myths and Realities 15: Out ethnicity and identity – what does it all mean?
October 10, 2012

Myths and Realities 15: Out ethnicity and identity – what does it all mean?

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Multicultural Sensitivity for Marketing Students
Business and Management INK
October 10, 2012

Multicultural Sensitivity for Marketing Students

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New JOM Editor’s Choice Collections
Business and Management INK
October 9, 2012

New JOM Editor’s Choice Collections

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Do Adult Drug Courts Produce Other Psychosocial Benefits?
October 8, 2012

Do Adult Drug Courts Produce Other Psychosocial Benefits?

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Facebook, Twitter, Blog? How To Get Your Message Out

Facebook, Twitter, Blog? How To Get Your Message Out

With traditional and new media channels abound, finding the right one for your organization can be a challenge. Social Marketing Quarterly’s new […]

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How To Improve Engagement? It’s About Communication Skills

How To Improve Engagement? It’s About Communication Skills

Organizations seeking to boost engagement need to teach their employees how to build healthier workplace relationships, according to a study recently published […]

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Book Review: Roots, Rituals, Rhetorics of Change

Book Review: Roots, Rituals, Rhetorics of Change

In the latest issue of Administrative Science Quarterly, James P. Walsh of the University of Michigan published a book review of “The […]

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Doctoral Open Days: Social Sciences at The British Library

Doctoral Open Days: Social Sciences at The British Library

In February 2013 The British Library will be holding its annual open days for doctoral students in social sciences. These days are […]

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

How Afghanistan was broken: The disaster of the Soviet intervention From International Area Studies Review The benefits of racial diversity in the classroom From Teaching Sociology […]

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week

New sites. This week In the news this week Labour Party conference. See our recommended links. http://lselibraryresearch.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/labour-party-conference-2012-see-our.html See also information on political party […]

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Why the Candidates Don’t Talk Specifics

Why the Candidates Don’t Talk Specifics

If you noticed a lack of specifics from either candidate in Wednesday night’s presidential debate, you’re not alone. A study published in […]

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The Internet Black Widow

The Internet Black Widow

When some journalist awards a case a sobriquet like The Railway Rapist, or the Moors Murderers that the media has got its teeth into the case and will shake as much life out of it as possible.

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