
Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)
August 17, 2012

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

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Made it!
August 17, 2012

Made it!

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Ray Aldag on Real-World Decision Making
Business and Management INK
August 17, 2012

Ray Aldag on Real-World Decision Making

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Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 1 of 3)
August 16, 2012

Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 1 of 3)

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To Make Better Decisions, Use Your ‘Moral Imagination’

To Make Better Decisions, Use Your ‘Moral Imagination’

“Greed is good” no longer: research shows that successful companies achieve a balance between profit and social impact, thanks to the work […]

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Equal Rights Are Good For Business

Equal Rights Are Good For Business

Did you know that in the past 10 years, the percentage of Fortune 500 companies offering domestic partner benefits (DPB) to lesbian, […]

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Hate Rock 101

Hate Rock 101

A sociologist explains why Sikh temple shooter Wade M. Page’s white-power music scene is dying out, just as we’re all discovering it.

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How Digital Distraction Affects Our Workforce

How Digital Distraction Affects Our Workforce

Thanks to the vastness and immediacy of electronic media, we have the world at our fingertips. But are we better informed as […]

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What Causes Our Successes and Failures?

What Causes Our Successes and Failures?

In a new Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies podcast, Mark J. Martinko of Florida State University discusses his article “Fuzzy Attribution […]

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Poetry Recitation for Business Students

Poetry Recitation for Business Students

Are your business students’ presentations lifeless? Then you might want to take a look at “Poetry Recitation for Business Students” by Beth […]

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Major problems with the recent Gay-parenting study come to light, “predictive policing” aims to prevent crime, and social science insights helping to make sense of climate change. These and more in this Weekly Overview of Social Science News!

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Book Review: Free Trade Doesn’t Work

Book Review: Free Trade Doesn’t Work

In the latest issue of the Review of Radical Political Economics, Daniel E. Saros of Valparaiso University reviews Ian Fletcher’s “Free Trade […]

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