
What Makes an Outstanding Leader?
Business and Management INK
September 10, 2012

What Makes an Outstanding Leader?

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Book Review: Institutions and Entrepreneurship
September 9, 2012

Book Review: Institutions and Entrepreneurship

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Helping Students Manage Their Energy
Business and Management INK
September 8, 2012

Helping Students Manage Their Energy

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Rebel Manhood
September 7, 2012

Rebel Manhood

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What’s Next For the Economy?

What’s Next For the Economy?

In a decidedly rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, Bill Clinton defended President Barack Obama’s economic plan without denying […]

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Understanding the ‘zig-zag’ trend of criminal careers has policy implications From International Journal of Offender Therapy Comparative Criminology Assessing policies designed to ensure […]

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How Thinking Styles Influence Team Innovation

How Thinking Styles Influence Team Innovation

Editor’s note: We are pleased to welcome Dr. Corinne Post, Assistant Professor of Management at Lehigh University. Dr. Post, whose research interests […]

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Publication Bias in the Organizational Sciences

Publication Bias in the Organizational Sciences

Meta-analysis has emerged as an important means of gathering cumulative scientific data, but if the results are skewed, it can hinder rather […]

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A Sociologist’s Adventures in Social Media Land

A Sociologist’s Adventures in Social Media Land

Like many academics, I was quite oblivious to the virtues of using digital social media for professional purposes for rather a long time. Then one day earlier this year the scales fell from my eyes.

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Time For Your Health Benefits Strategy to Shine

Time For Your Health Benefits Strategy to Shine

As the future of health care reform hangs in the balance ahead of this year’s presidential election, a new article in Compensation […]

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Leveraging Performance Through Business History

Leveraging Performance Through Business History

Family Business Review, recently named a Rising Star by Thomson Reuters, kicks off its podcast series with perspective on the past and  […]

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Why Open Access will Stifle Innovation

Why Open Access will Stifle Innovation

It is curious that the UK government department promoting Business, Innovation and Skills should be so committed to a policy that might almost be designed to achieve the opposite effect.

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