
Satan at work in the university…?
Higher Education Reform
March 15, 2012

Satan at work in the university…?

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Serving the Senior Target Market
Business and Management INK
March 15, 2012

Serving the Senior Target Market

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CSR: An Agenda for the Future
Business and Management INK
March 14, 2012

CSR: An Agenda for the Future

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Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.
March 13, 2012

Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

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The Influences Of Verbal Smell References In Radio Advertisements

The Influences Of Verbal Smell References In Radio Advertisements

Eric A. Davis, Vincent P. Magnini, Pamela A. Weaver and Nancy Gard McGehee, all of Virginia Tech, published “The Influences Of Verbal Smell […]

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Making Space For Flexibility in the Workplace

Making Space For Flexibility in the Workplace

Sara Värlander, Stockholm University School of Business, published “Individual Flexibility in the Workplace: A Spatial Perspective“ on May 13, 2011 in The […]

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Social Science sites of the week

Social Science sites of the week

This week Russian Elections took place. See our election blog posting for up to date links. We particularly recommend Russia Votes. Surveys […]

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Book Review: Politics and Partnerships

Book Review: Politics and Partnerships

Brayden King, Northwestern University, published a review of “Politics and Partnerships: The Role of Voluntary Associations in America’s Political Past and Present,” […]

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Help Black Children? Sure! Teens? Not So Much.

Help Black Children? Sure! Teens? Not So Much.

New research finds support for school projects differs according to the race and age of the recipients.

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What is the Role of Emotional and Social Intelligence in Effective Leadership?

What is the Role of Emotional and Social Intelligence in Effective Leadership?

Richard E. Boyatzis, Case Western Reserve University, Darren Good, Christopher Newport University, and Raymond Massa, Vaudreuil-Dorion, published “Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Intelligence and Personality […]

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Myths and Realities 13: Security and Surveillance – has it gone too far?

Myths and Realities 13: Security and Surveillance – has it gone too far?

 Join Professor Bridget Hutter and Drs Kirstie Ball and Peter Fussey at the British Library as they discuss the use of increased surveillance, security […]

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Using Racism in the (International) Seminar Room

Using Racism in the (International) Seminar Room

Over the last ten years I have encountered a range of racist discourse in the teaching environment.The first often emanates from international students who inadvertently make inaccurate generalisations based on racial difference. The second is formed within the seminar room, and emanates from British students towards international students.

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