
Employee Popularity Mediates the Relationship Between Political Skill and Workplace Interpersonal Mistreatment
Business and Management INK
March 7, 2012

Employee Popularity Mediates the Relationship Between Political Skill and Workplace Interpersonal Mistreatment

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My social science career: Interview with Mike Hogg
March 6, 2012

My social science career: Interview with Mike Hogg

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Soft Budget Constraints and Predatory States
Business and Management INK
March 6, 2012

Soft Budget Constraints and Predatory States

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Recognizing Leadership at a Distance
Business and Management INK
March 5, 2012

Recognizing Leadership at a Distance

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Nature.com weighs in on rewards and punishments, an organizational psychologist looks at the financial industry, and more in this week of Social Science News.

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Leadership in an Academic Setting: A View From the Top

Leadership in an Academic Setting: A View From the Top

Thomas A. Wright and Andrew J. Wefald, all of Kansas State University, published “Leadership in an Academic Setting: A View From the Top” […]

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What Impact Have Smartphones Had on the Tourist Experience?

What Impact Have Smartphones Had on the Tourist Experience?

Dan Wang, Temple University, Sangwon Park, University of Surrey, and Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Temple University, published “The Role of Smartphones in Mediating the Touristic […]

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Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

Global Sociology Without a Global Audience

I find it ironic that interesting current debates about sociology’s Eurocentrism and calls for a more truly global sociology take place in journals and books that are likely to be inaccessible at many, many universities around the world.

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social science sites of the week

social science sites of the week

Syria- Referendum – Centre for Research on Direct Democracy (c2d)Located at the University of Zurich. This specialist centre focuses upon research relating […]

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U.S. Income Distribution Winners and Losers

U.S. Income Distribution Winners and Losers

Rich households found to be the real beneficiaries of economic prosperity Los Angeles, CA (February 28, 2012) People all over the world […]

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Bargaining Behind the Scenes

Bargaining Behind the Scenes

Beth A. Livingston, Cornell University, published “Bargaining Behind the Scenes: Spousal Negotiation, Labor, and Work-Family Burnout” on December 21st, 2011 in the Journal […]

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Team Meeting Attitudes

Team Meeting Attitudes

Thomas A. O’Neill, University of Calgary, and Natalie J. Allen, University of Western Ontario, published “Team Meeting Attitudes: Conceptualization and Investigation of a New […]

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