
Advances in Developing Human Resources: February 2012 Issue Now Online!
Business and Management INK
February 20, 2012

Advances in Developing Human Resources: February 2012 Issue Now Online!

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News
February 20, 2012

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

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Better Drowned than Duffers…?
International Debate
February 19, 2012

Better Drowned than Duffers…?

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)
February 17, 2012

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

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As Featured Today in the Wall Street Journal’s Health Section: Transcending Socialization

As Featured Today in the Wall Street Journal’s Health Section: Transcending Socialization

Alexandra Michel, University of Southern California, published “Transcending Socialization: A Nine-Year Ethnography of the Body’s Role in Organizational Control and Knowledge Workers’ Transformation” […]

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What should an Early-Career Research Agenda Look Like?

What should an Early-Career Research Agenda Look Like?

How to approach the years beyond the PhD. Some thoughts on alignment, coherence, breadth, and depth.

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Overcoming Relational Inertia

Overcoming Relational Inertia

Forrest Briscoe and Wenpin Tsai, both of Penn State University, published “Overcoming Relational Inertia: How Organizational Members Respond to Acquisition Events in a […]

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The Family in Family Business

The Family in Family Business

Andrea L. Santiago, De La Salle University,  published “The Family in Family Business: Case of the In-Laws in Philippine Businesses” in the […]

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Motivational Effects of Empowerment on Employees’ Organizational Commitment

Motivational Effects of Empowerment on Employees’ Organizational Commitment

BeomCheol (Peter) Kim, Auckland University of Technology, Gyumin Lee, Kyung Hee University, Suzanne K. Murrmann, Virginia Tech, and Thomas R. George, Ohio State University, […]

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Social Science Sites of the Week

Social Science Sites of the Week

London Conference on Somalia The UK will host the London conference on Somalia on 23 February. It will involve a number of […]

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Core Self Evaluations and Team Performance

Core Self Evaluations and Team Performance

Jeffrey J. Haynie, Auburn University, published “Core-Self Evaluations and Team Performance: The Role of Team-Member Exchange” on November 29th, 2011 in Small Group […]

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Leadership: Theory and Practice

Leadership: Theory and Practice

Peter Northouse’s Leadership: Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition, is now available! Adopted at more than 1,000 colleges and universities worldwide, the market-leading […]

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