
My Social Science Career: Interview with George Ritzer
February 8, 2012

My Social Science Career: Interview with George Ritzer

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Educating Managers to Create Healthy Workplaces
Business and Management INK
February 7, 2012

Educating Managers to Create Healthy Workplaces

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Much Ado about Conflict?
February 6, 2012

Much Ado about Conflict?

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Is Paternalism an ”Asset” or a ”Liability”?
Business and Management INK
February 6, 2012

Is Paternalism an ”Asset” or a ”Liability”?

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How Can Significance Tests Be Deinstitutionalized?

How Can Significance Tests Be Deinstitutionalized?

Marc Orlitzky, Penn State University, published “How Can Significance Tests Be Deinstitutionalized?” on December 12th, 2011 in Organizational Research Methods. To read other […]

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Being Tough or Being Nice?

Being Tough or Being Nice?

Joachim Hüffmeier, University of Münster, Philipp Alexander Freund, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Alfred Zerres, Klaus Backhaus and Guido Hertel, all of University of Münster, […]

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Olympic massacre to the Olympic Stress Syndrome (International Review for the Sociology of Sport) Tobacco consumption and the poor (Ethnography)

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Social science sites of the week

Social science sites of the week

Gov.uk launched. Beta site opens for public testing. It is the intention that this will eventually replace Directgov as a single one […]

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Mutual Learning for Taiwan’s Tourist Hotels with the DEA Approach

Measuring the Effectiveness of Mutual Learning for Taiwan’s Tourist Hotels with the DEA Approach

Chung-Te Ting, Chang Jung Christian University, and Chin-Wei Huang, Taiwan Shoufu University, published “Measuring the Effectiveness of Mutual Learning for Taiwan’s Tourist Hotels with […]

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Conclusion: The New Common Sense

Conclusion: The New Common Sense

The connection between money, degrees, employability, and the ‘real-world’ relevance of academic work has been hammered so relentlessly into our minds that is has become virtually possible to eschew.

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Beatrice Webb launches LSE’s digital library : great new free resource for social scientists

Beatrice Webb launches LSE’s digital library : great new free resource for social scientists

One century on and Beatrice Webb, one of the founders of LSE and its library, would be proud to know that her […]

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An Improved Measure of Ethical Leadership

An Improved Measure of Ethical Leadership

Gary Yukl, University at Albany, Rubina Mahsud, Seattle University, Shahidul Hassan, Ohio State University, and Gregory E. Prussia, Seattle University, published “An Improved Measure […]

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