
The Staff Ride: An Approach to Qualitative Data Generation and Analysis
Business and Management INK
January 4, 2012

The Staff Ride: An Approach to Qualitative Data Generation and Analysis

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Towards a Deeper Philosophy of Biomimicry
Business and Management INK
January 3, 2012

Towards a Deeper Philosophy of Biomimicry

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How Can You Find Innovative Leaders?
Business and Management INK
January 2, 2012

How Can You Find Innovative Leaders?

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Weekly overview of social science news
January 2, 2012

Weekly overview of social science news

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Contextualizing Performances of Family Firms

Contextualizing Performances of Family Firms

Andrea Colli, Bocconi University, published “Contextualizing Performances of Family Firms: The Perspective of Business History” on November 7th, 2011 in Family Business Review’s […]

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Who Needs Security?

Who Needs Security?

Marshall Pattie, Laura Parks and William Wales, all of James Madison University, published “Who Needs Security? Entrepreneurial Minorities, Security Values, and Firm Performance” […]

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Public Knowledge, Private Gain: The Effect of Spillover Networks on Firms’ Innovative Performance

Public Knowledge, Private Gain: The Effect of Spillover Networks on Firms’ Innovative Performance

Elisa Operti, ESSEC Business School, and Gianluca Carnabuci, University of Lugano, published “Public Knowledge, Private Gain: The Effect of Spillover Networks on Firms’ Innovative […]

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The LSE Big Questions Lecture 2011: Organized Common Sense

The LSE Big Questions Lecture 2011: Organized Common Sense

In June 2011, I was lucky enough to deliver the inaugural LSE Big Questions Lecture. I chose to lecture on whether the […]

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Film-Induced Heritage Site Conservation

Film-Induced Heritage Site Conservation

Steve Pan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Chris Ryan, The University of Waikato Management School, published “Film-Induced Heritage Site Conservation: The Case of […]

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The Free Breakfast Effect

The Free Breakfast Effect

Juan L. Nicolau and Ricardo Sellers, both of the University of Alicante, published “The Free Breakfast Effect: An Experimental Approach to the […]

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A Direct Comparison Approach for Testing Measurement Invariance

A Direct Comparison Approach for Testing Measurement Invariance

Gordon W. Cheung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Rebecca S. Lau, The Open University of Hong Kong, published “A Direct Comparison Approach […]

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Polar Bears and the Ethics of Representation

Polar Bears and the Ethics of Representation

There was a stir in some sections of the UK media just before Christmas when it was revealed that a sequence of […]

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