
Most Cited and Most Read article for FBR
Business and Management INK
August 3, 2011

Most Cited and Most Read article for FBR

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Most Cited and Most Read article for FBR
Business and Management INK
August 3, 2011

Most Cited and Most Read article for FBR

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Site development – your input
August 2, 2011

Site development – your input

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HRDR Joins SAGETrack!
Business and Management INK
August 2, 2011

HRDR Joins SAGETrack!

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What should be on the research skills curriculum for undergraduates?

What should be on the research skills curriculum for undergraduates?

The Arcadia Project has been investigating what should be on the Information literacy for undergraduates. Find more details on the project website.  […]

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Are we sleepwalking into the US higher education system’s mistakes?

Are we sleepwalking into the US higher education system’s mistakes?

This was originally published on the Guardian Higher Education Network blog. By Patrick McGhee As a busy vice-chancellor I cherish those moments […]

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2011 AOM Annual Meeting

2011 AOM Annual Meeting

The Academy of Management (AOM) “is a leading professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations.” […]

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International affairs and the public sphere

International affairs and the public sphere

Stephen M. Walt writes on Foreign Policy about the role that academics should play in public discourse about major social issues, including […]

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National Science Foundation responds to Senate staff report

National Science Foundation responds to Senate staff report

Eddie Bernice Johnson, Ranking Minority Member of the National Science Foundation Committee, has released a  staff report refuting a recent Senate report […]

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Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

Round-up of recent social science research (from SAGE Insight)

“Hey good looking, come work for us!”: Aesthetic labor and discrimination law (Journal of Industrial Relations) When self-esteem is threatened people reach for […]

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Do doctors make the best hospital administrators?

Do doctors make the best hospital administrators?

A recent paper in the journal Social Science and Medicine found a strong association between having a physician manage a hospital and […]

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2010 Impact Factor and Ranking Results

2010 Impact Factor and Ranking Results

SAGE is pleased to announce 27% growth in the number of titles receiving Impact Factors with 385 journals now indexed in the […]

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