
Linking in With LinkedIn
Business and Management INK
July 18, 2011

Linking in With LinkedIn

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Journal of Applied Behavioral Science receives 2011 Impact Factor
Business and Management INK
July 15, 2011

Journal of Applied Behavioral Science receives 2011 Impact Factor

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Are Universities Creating Millennial Narcissistic Employees?
Business and Management INK
July 14, 2011

Are Universities Creating Millennial Narcissistic Employees?

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ASQ Paper Wins ASA Award
Business and Management INK
July 13, 2011

ASQ Paper Wins ASA Award

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David Brooks on “The Unexamined Society”

David Brooks on “The Unexamined Society”

In a recent Opinion piece for the New York Times, columnist David Brooks argued for the value of behavioral studies and critiqued […]

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Specialisation is back on the HE agenda, but not for the first time

Specialisation is back on the HE agenda, but not for the first time

This was originally published on the Guardian Higher Education Network blog. By Tamson Pietsch In June results were released of the pilot […]

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JOM’s Editor’s Choice Collections

JOM’s Editor’s Choice Collections

The Journal of Management (JOM) is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the management […]

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Weekly overview of social science news

Weekly overview of social science news

Social science holds the key to crime prevention Online PR News (press release) Incorporating social science the weather service explores new ways […]

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Research ethics and the ‘News of the World’

Research ethics and the ‘News of the World’

I was going to write about last week’s decision by the UK Information Commissioner to force the University of East Anglia to […]

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The 2011 FBR Best Paper Award Goes to…

The 2011 FBR Best Paper Award Goes to…

Family Business Review (FBR) announced that Jörn Block, TechnischeUniversität München, was announced the winner of the 2011 Best Paper award for his article entitled […]

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Putting vision back into higher education: A response to the Government White Paper

Putting vision back into higher education: A response to the Government White Paper

There is no government mandate for the privatisation of higher education and for the despoiling of the social and cultural value of […]

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Behavioural insights and public policy: MINDSPACE and the ONS wellbeing research agenda

Behavioural insights and public policy: MINDSPACE and the ONS wellbeing research agenda

Behavioural insights and public policy were the themes for a pre-AGM discussion at the Academy of Social Sciences. We invited David Halpern, […]

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