
Truth or Urban Legend?
Business and Management INK
April 5, 2011

Truth or Urban Legend?

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Breaking silences on broken promises
Academic Funding
April 4, 2011

Breaking silences on broken promises

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Organizational Identity & Aged Adolescence
Business and Management INK
April 4, 2011

Organizational Identity & Aged Adolescence

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New Strategies for Enduring Problems
Business and Management INK
April 4, 2011

New Strategies for Enduring Problems

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Public letter from academics on AHRC decision to promote Big Society research

Public letter from academics on AHRC decision to promote Big Society research

188 academics, mainly from the UK, have signed a letter published in today’s Observer newspaper, on the decision by the Arts and […]

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Emotional Intelligence & Service Failure

Emotional Intelligence & Service Failure

“Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator of Coping Strategies and Service Outcomes in Circumstances of Service Failure,” by Mark Gabbott of Macquarie University, […]

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A Prevailing Myth in the Tourism Industry

A Prevailing Myth in the Tourism Industry

“Evaluation of Segment Attractiveness by Risk-Adjusted Market Potential: First Time vs. Repeat Visitors” by Amir Shani, and Arie Reichel, both of the […]

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Group Interaction Sequences & Group Mood

Group Interaction Sequences & Group Mood

Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Renee A. Myers, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Simone Kauffeld, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Alexandra Neininger, Technische Universität Braunschweig, and […]

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For Sociology, for the Public University… Join the Debate!

For Sociology, for the Public University… Join the Debate!

A blogpost on the BSA's blog 'Sociology and the Cuts' by John Holmwood sets out the potential c viagra purchase onsequences of […]

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When did the Big Society turn into Big Brother?

When did the Big Society turn into Big Brother?

A column by Tom Sutcliffe in today’s Independent addresses the question of academic freedom posed by reports that the Arts and Humanities […]

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

“Corporate Social Responsibility: Evolution of a Definitional Construct” from the September 1999 issue of Business & Society, currently appears in the most read […]

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Are Facebook users narcissistic?

Are Facebook users narcissistic?

New research from Australia suggests that Facebook users are more extroverted and narcissistic than people who use the Internet but who don’t […]

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