
Ownership Structure
Business and Management INK
March 18, 2011

Ownership Structure

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Human Resources Management
Business and Management INK
March 17, 2011

Human Resources Management

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Change Management
Business and Management INK
March 16, 2011

Change Management

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Shaken but not scared
International Debate
March 15, 2011

Shaken but not scared

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Campaign for Social Science: Press Officer

Campaign for Social Science: Press Officer

The Academy of Social Sciences is looking to recruit a press officer to work on the recently launched Campaign for Social Science […]

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Structure-Specific Teamwork

Structure-Specific Teamwork

“Evidence of Structure-Specific Teamwork Requirements and Implications for Team Design“, by Daniel Lafond and Marie-Eve Jobidon, both of Defence R&D Canada-Valcartier, Québec, Caroline Aubé […]

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Socialsciencespace welcomes new partner organizations

Socialsciencespace welcomes new partner organizations

We are happy to welcome a number of new organizations to socialsciencespace as partners – including the International Society for Study of […]

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Reactions to Organizational Change

Reactions to Organizational Change

“Change Recipients’ Reactions to Organizational Change: A 60-Year Review of Quantitative Studies,” by Shaul Oreg of the University of Haifa, Isreal, Maria […]

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Are you interested in historic census research?

Are you interested in historic census research?

Great British Library exhibition. Census and Society : Census & Society: why everyone counts The British census is due to take place […]

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A new binary divide? Social science after concentration, and how to cope…

A new binary divide? Social science after concentration, and how to cope…

Perri 6, Professor of Social Policy at Nottingham Trent University, has produced a detailed analysis of the implications of concentrating doctoral training […]

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The Implications of Childhood Obesity

The Implications of Childhood Obesity

“Childhood Obesity, Academic Achievement, and School Expenditures”, by Tami Gurley-Calvez and Amy Higginbotham, both of West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, was the […]

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Computer-Mediated Group Brainstorming

Computer-Mediated Group Brainstorming

“Effects of Anonymity and Social Comparison of Rewards on Computer-Mediated Group Brainstorming“, by Poppy Lauretta McLeod of Cornell University, was recently published in […]

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