
JME Podcast on Diversity in the Classroom
Business and Management INK
February 28, 2011

JME Podcast on Diversity in the Classroom

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JME Podcast on Diversity in the Classroom
Business and Management INK
February 28, 2011

JME Podcast on Diversity in the Classroom

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Solving the social sciences’ hard problems
February 27, 2011

Solving the social sciences’ hard problems

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Re-imagining the public university: a day of workshops
February 26, 2011

Re-imagining the public university: a day of workshops

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21st Century Challenges: Persistent Poverty in Britain

21st Century Challenges: Persistent Poverty in Britain

The Royal Geographical Society is proud to announce that they will be hosting an event at part of the not-for-profit discussion series, “21st […]

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Social research and public accountability

Social research and public accountability

The Campaign for the Public University defends and promotes the idea of university as a public good. The following is an extract from a […]

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Nuffield grant programmes open to applications

Nuffield grant programmes open to applications

The Nuffield Foundation is a charitable trust established in 1943 by William Morris, Lord Nuffield, the founder of Morris Motors. We work […]

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Sustainable Market Orientation

Sustainable Market Orientation

“Sustainable Market Orientation: A New Approach to Managing Marketing Strategy”, by Robert W. Mitchell, Ben Wooliscroft, and James Higham, all of the […]

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Sustainable Market Orientation

Sustainable Market Orientation

“Sustainable Market Orientation: A New Approach to Managing Marketing Strategy”, by Robert W. Mitchell, Ben Wooliscroft, and James Higham, all of the […]

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Diversity Change in Organizations

Diversity Change in Organizations

“Diversity Change in Organizations: A Systemic, Multilevel, and Nonlinear Process”, by Jorge Gonzalez of the University of Texas-Pan American, was the most […]

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Diversity Change in Organizations

Diversity Change in Organizations

“Diversity Change in Organizations: A Systemic, Multilevel, and Nonlinear Process”, by Jorge Gonzalez of the University of Texas-Pan American, was the most […]

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I gave it a nudge but it won’t budge

I gave it a nudge but it won’t budge

New research suggests the superficial appeal of governing by light touch founders in the health arena where so many ‘unhealthy nudges’ are […]

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