
Leadership in Teams
Business and Management INK
February 23, 2011

Leadership in Teams

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Leadership in Teams
Business and Management INK
February 23, 2011

Leadership in Teams

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The truth about bonuses
International Debate
February 22, 2011

The truth about bonuses

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Absurd decisions by ethics committees
International Debate
February 22, 2011

Absurd decisions by ethics committees

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Climate Change and Water Management

Climate Change and Water Management

“Climate Change in the Caribbean: The Water Management Implications”, by Adrian Cashman, PhD, Leonard Nurse, PhD, and Charlery John, PhD, all of […]

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Solidarity, open access, and the future of anthropology

Solidarity, open access, and the future of anthropology

Now that the dust has settled a bit from the recent Science ‘controversy’ in anthropology, I join others in the field who […]

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New Commission on Humanities and Social Sciences

New Commission on Humanities and Social Sciences

A new national commission has been announced by the American Academy of Arts and Science to boost teaching and research in the […]

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Recommended resource: social science and the Olympics

Recommended resource: social science and the Olympics

Sport and Society: summer Olympics and Paralympics through the lens of socialscience Great Site created by the British library to highlight resources relating […]

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Marketing Journal Rankings

Marketing Journal Rankings

“A Comprehensive Analysis of Marketing Journal Rankings”, by Michelle D. Steward and Bruce R. Lewis, both of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was […]

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Marketing Journal Rankings

Marketing Journal Rankings

“A Comprehensive Analysis of Marketing Journal Rankings”, by Michelle D. Steward and Bruce R. Lewis, both of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was […]

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Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

“Impacts of the World Recession and Economic Crisis on Tourism: North America”, by J.R. Brent Ritchie of the University of Calgary, Alberta, […]

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Science + wordplay = good times

Science + wordplay = good times

In a recent blog on the Wall Street Journal site, Christopher Shea says: Scientists and social scientists may not always produce lively prose, but […]

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