
Making the Case For the Social Sciences no.1: Wellbeing
December 2, 2010

Making the Case For the Social Sciences no.1: Wellbeing

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Recognising Psychology as a STEM Discipline
December 2, 2010

Recognising Psychology as a STEM Discipline

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Working with the Life Sciences; “Whose aspirations? Whose achievements?”
December 2, 2010

Working with the Life Sciences; “Whose aspirations? Whose achievements?”

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How to Save Social Security
Business and Management INK
December 2, 2010

How to Save Social Security

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Risk, ethics and public sensitivities: LSE TLSS Series

Risk, ethics and public sensitivities: LSE TLSS Series

This podcast was recorded by the LSE as part of their series, Thinking like a Social Scientist. Risk, ethics and public sensitivities […]

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The Marketplace of Perceptions: Behavioral economics explains why we procrastinate, buy, borrow, and grab chocolate on the spur of the moment

The Marketplace of Perceptions: Behavioral economics explains why we procrastinate, buy, borrow, and grab chocolate on the spur of the moment

This is an extract from a post originally published  in Harvard Magazine. Like all revolutions in thought, this one began with anomalies, […]

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Ethics of research with young children

Ethics of research with young children

When we involve young children in our research, there are the usual things we well know that we must attend to – […]

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Deep value

Deep value

‘Public service reform’ was a key theme of New Labour, and with widespread cuts to public services from the Coalition’s spending review […]

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SAGE and the British Academy: the Crucial Role of Social Science

SAGE and the British Academy: the Crucial Role of Social Science

A debate held in London on 16th March 2010 as part of the ESRC festival of social science. Co-hosted by SAGE and […]

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Sharing Travel Experiences

Sharing Travel Experiences

Crystal Ip, Hee “Andy” Lee and Rob Law of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University talk about their article, “Profiling The Users Of […]

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Hospitality Marketing Predictions

Hospitality Marketing Predictions

Chekitan S. Dev, John D. Buschman, and John T. Bowen analyze the past in Hospitality Marketing and predict what will be important […]

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Desk Rejections

Desk Rejections

Justin B. Craig, Bond University, Australia, and Associate Editor of Family Business Review addresses the topic of desk rejection in the December 2010 […]

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