
11 Tips on How to Present Research Findings
September 30, 2010

11 Tips on How to Present Research Findings

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He who pays the piper…
Academic Funding
September 30, 2010

He who pays the piper…

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When Faculty Fail to Care
Business and Management INK
September 28, 2010

When Faculty Fail to Care

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Teaching Excellence Workshop: Teaching Bootcamp To Be Held at SMA
Business and Management INK
September 27, 2010

Teaching Excellence Workshop: Teaching Bootcamp To Be Held at SMA

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How Do You Set Up a Successful Study Abroad Program?

How Do You Set Up a Successful Study Abroad Program?

Listen to Daniel Sachau, Niel Brasher and Scott Fee talk to Gina Vega, Associate Editor of JME, about Study Abroad programs in […]

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Beyond Corporate Environmental Management to a Consideration of Nature in Visionary Small Enterprise

Beyond Corporate Environmental Management to a Consideration of Nature in Visionary Small Enterprise

Today, we highlight another article in the Special Issue of Business & Society focusing on “A New Future for Business” Kate Kearins, […]

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“Demystifying the Struggles of Private Sector Paradigmatic Change: Business as an Agent in a Complex Adaptive System”

“Demystifying the Struggles of Private Sector Paradigmatic Change: Business as an Agent in a Complex Adaptive System”

Mike Valente, Assistant Professor in Strategy and Business Sustainability at the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario shares some […]

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Business & Society Special Issue: A New Future for Business? Rethinking Management Theory and Business Strategy

Business & Society Special Issue: A New Future for Business? Rethinking Management Theory and Business Strategy

Martina Linnenluecke and Andrew Griffiths discuss their article in the Special Issue of Business & Society: “Beyond Adaptation: Resilience for Business in […]

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Counting in Qualitative Research: Why to Conduct it, When to Avoid it, and When to Closet it

Counting in Qualitative Research: Why to Conduct it, When to Avoid it, and When to Closet it

David R. Hannah and Brenda A. Lautsch of Simon Fraser University, discuss their article recently published in the Journal of Management Inquiry‘s […]

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Family Business Review Special Issue: Accounting in Family Firms

Family Business Review Special Issue: Accounting in Family Firms

 Read the September 2010 Special Issue of Family Business Review on Accounting in Family Firms Articles by: Andrew J. Trotman and Ken […]

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Peter Northouse discusses Leadership: Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition

Peter Northouse discusses Leadership: Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition

http://www.youtube.com/sagepublications#p/u/0/S3eWfH0_Cb8 Peter Northouse talks about why he believes his book has proved so popular with professors and students worldwide (it is now […]

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Barsky, Kaplan and Beal discuss their article, “Just Feelings? The Role of Affect in the Formation of Organizational Fairness Judgments.”

Barsky, Kaplan and Beal discuss their article, “Just Feelings? The Role of Affect in the Formation of Organizational Fairness Judgments.”

Adam Barsky, Seth A. Kaplan and Daniel J. Beal discuss their article, “Just Feelings? The Role of Affect in the Formation of […]

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